Beverage Allergen and Ingredient Information - UAE Only 
تحتوي بعض الأطباق والمأكولات والمشروبات لدينا على مكونات قد تسبب الحساسية مثل الغلوتين، المأكولات البحرية "مثل الروبيان والقبقب والسرطان وغيرها من القشريات"، البيض، السمك، الفول السوداني، فول الصويا، المكسرات، الحليب، الكبريت، الكرفس، الخردل، السمسم، المأكولات البحرية "مثل المحار وغيرها من الرخويات"، والترمس. لقد قمنا بتحليل وصفات الطعام التي نستخدمها في مطاعمنا مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار كافة الاحتمالات المتعلقة باختلاط أو مزج المكونات المستخدمة أثناء عمليات التحضير المختلفة، كما قمنا بالتصريح عن معلومات الحساسية الخاصة بكل صنف من المأكولات باستخدام مفهومين رئيسيين وهما "يحتوي على" أو "قد يحتوي على" كما هو مذكور في الجدول أدناه. بكافة الأحوال، يرجى العلم بأننا لا نستطيع التأكيد بأن المأكولات أو المشروبات لدينا هي "خالية تماماً من المكونات المسببة للحساسية".
لذلك حرصاً على صحتكم يرجى إبلاغ مدير المطعم عن أي حساسية للطعام لديكم أو لدى أي شخص برفقتكم قبل الطلب. يرجى العلم بأننا لا نتحمل أي مسؤولية قانونية تجاه أية مخاطر قد تحدث نتيجة تناول الأطعمة المسببة للحساسية من قبلكم.
كافة المعلومات المذكورة في هذا الكتيب ليست للنشر ويمكن الاطلاع عليها داخل المطعم فقط. كافة المعلومات المذكورة في هذا الكتيب ملكاً لمجموعة الشايع والعلامات التجارية التابعة لها. جميع الحقوق محفوظة وفقاً لقوانين وحقوق النشر.
Some foods and beverages contain allergens such as gluten, crustaceans, egg, fish, peanuts, soybeans, nuts, milk, sulphites, celery, mustard, sesame, clams and lupin.  We have analyzed our recipes taking into consideration all possibilities of cross-contamination in our restaurants, and declared the allergen
information as "Contains" or "May Contain" as shown below. However, we cannot be certain that any of our foods or beverages are "completely allergen free". It is thus your responsibility as our esteemed guest to notify a manager if you or any of your party have any food allergies or intolerances before placing
your order so that we can minimize any risks.  We exclude liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.
This document is not intended for general distribution but is available to view in the restaurant. Information regarding allergen information provided in this document is the sole property of Alshaya Group and its brand partners. As such, this document and the information contained in it are protected by copyright infringement laws.

Recipe Name   Ingredients Allergen  Size Calories  Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Trans Fats (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (Na) (mg) Carbohydrate (g) Fibre (g) Sugars (g) Protein (g)
Caffè Latte - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. Milk Tall 140 9 5 0 0 150 14 0 13 9
Grande 190 11 7 0 0 180 17 0 17 11
Venti  270 14 9 0 0 240 23 0 22 15
Caffè Latte - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. Milk Tall 80 1 1 0 0 140 14 0 14 10
Grande 110 1.5 1 0 0 180 18 0 17 12
Venti  140 2 1.5 0 0 240 23 0 23 16
Caffè Latte - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: water, almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, Sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO  Almond  Tall 60 4.5 0 0 0 90 11 1 9 2
Grande 80 5 0 0 0 105 13 1 11 2
Venti  110 7 0.5 0 0 130 16 2 14 3
Caffè Latte - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO Soya Tall 80 5 1 0 0 35 2 2 0 9
Grande 110 6 1 0 0 40 3 2 0 12
Venti  150 8 1.5 0 0 55 4 3 0 15
Caffè Latte - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans (2,9%), sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO. Soya Tall 80 4 2 0 0 90 10 1 9 4
Grande 120 5 2.5 0 0 110 13 1 12 5
Venti  160 7 3.5 0 0 150 17 1 15 7
Iced Caffè Latte - Whole Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. Milk Tall 120 7 4 0 0 110 10 0 10 7
Grande 150 8 5 0 0 140 13 0 13 8
Venti  160 9 6 0 0 150 15 0 40 9
Iced Caffè Latte -Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. Milk Tall 60 1 0.5 0 0 110 11 0 10 7
Grande 80 1 1 0 0 135 13 0 13 9
Venti  90 1 1 0 0 150 15 0 14 10
Iced Caffè Latte - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk:  water, almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, Sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO .  Almond  Tall 50 2.5 0 0 0 50 6 1 5 1
Grande 60 3 0 0 0 65 8 1 7 1
Venti  60 3.5 0 0 0 70 9 1 7 2
Iced Caffè Latte - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: water, hulled soya beans , acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)], calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO Soya Tall 70 4 0.5 0 0 25 2 1 0 7
Grande 80 4.5 0.5 0 0 30 2 1 0 8
Venti  90 5 1 0 0 35 3 2 0 10
Iced Caffè Latte - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:  water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO Soya Tall 70 3 1.5 0 0 65 8 0 7 3
Grande 90 3.5 2 0 0 85 10 1 9 4
Venti  90 3.5 2 0 0 85 10 1 9 4
Dulce De Leche - Whole Milk
Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed COW's MILK, water, dextrose, butter (COW's MILK), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).
Milk  Tall 450 20 15 0 5 340 49 0 44 14
Grande 570 25 19 0 10 420 61 0 55 18
Venti  710 28 20 0 10 510 73 0 66 22
Dulce De Leche - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed COW's MILK, water, dextrose, butter (COW's MILK), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids from palm (E471)), thickener (xanthan gum E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 450 11 10 0 5 340 49 0 44 14
Grande 470 15 13 0 10 420 62 0 55 18
Venti  570 16 13 0 10 500 74 0 66 22
Dulce De Leche - Almond Milk Ingredients: ALMOND MILK : almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) , Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).  Almond , Milk,  Tall 360 14 9 0 5 250 43 1 37 14
Grande 450 18 12 0 10 320 55 1 47 18
Venti  540 20 13 0 10 390 65 1 56 22
Dulce De Leche - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO.DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).  Soya, Milk,  Tall 380 16 10 0 5 210 36 2 29 14
Grande 480 20 13 0 10 280 47 2 38 18
Venti  580 22 13 0 10 340 56 3 46 22
Dulce De Leche - Coconut Milk Ingredients:COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418).BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).  Soya, Milk,    Tall 390 15 11 0 5 280 45 1 39 24
Grande 480 19 14 0 10 350 57 1 50 29
Venti  580 20 15 0 10 420 68 1 59 36
Iced Dulce De Leche - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE  Milk Tall 450 19 15 0 10 320 52 0 45 6
Grande 490 22 17 0 10 370 57 0 50 9
Venti  560 23 18 0 15 470 78 0 68 9
Iced Dulce De Leche - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Milk Tall 350 11 9 0 5 280 44 0 39 8
Grande 430 15 13 0 10 370 57 0 51 10
Venti  500 18 15 0 15 470 78 0 68 9
Iced Dulce De Leche - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Almond , Milk,  Tall 340 13 9 0 5 220 40 1 34 2
Grande 410 17 12 0 10 300 52 1 44 2
Venti  480 20 15 0 15 430 75 0 65 5
Iced Dulce De Leche - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK:hulled soya beans ,acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Soya, Milk,    Tall 360 14 9 0 5 200 36 1 27 7
Grande 430 19 13 0 10 270 46 2 38 10
Venti  500 21 15 0 15 390 70 1 58 9
Iced Dulce De Leche - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . BREWED ESPRESS. DULCE DE LECHE SAUCE : glucose syrup, sugar, sweetened condensed cow's milk, water, dextrose, butter (cow's milk), modified starch (E1442), salt, natural flavouring (caramel),  colouring food (concentrate of apple and hibiscus juice), emulsifier (E471), thickener (E415). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils (sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Soya, Milk,    Tall 360 13 10 0 5 240 41 0 36 4
Grande 450 18 14 0 10 320 53 1 46 5
Venti  500 20 15 0 15 430 75 0 65 5
White Chocolate Mocha - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 390 16 11 0 5 210 41 0 40 11
Grande 490 18 13 0 5 260 52 0 51 13
Venti  620 12 16 0 10 330 62 0 62 17
White Chocolate Mocha - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 320 8 7 0 5 210 41 0 40 11
Grande 390 10 8 0 5 260 52 0 51 14
Venti  480 11 9 0 10 320 63 0 62 18
White Chocolate Mocha - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO . WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Almond , Milk  Tall 300 11 7 0 5 135 35 1 34 4
Grande 370 12 8 0 5 170 46 1 44 5
Venti  440 14 8 0 10 210 54 1 52 6
White Chocolate Mocha- Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Soya, Milk  Tall 320 12 7 0 5 105 30 2 28 11
Grande 400 14 8 0 5 130 39 2 36 14
Venti  490 7 9 0 10 160 46 3 42 17
White Chocolate Mocha - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Soya, Milk  Tall 330 11 8 0 5 160 37 1 36 6
Grande 400 13 9 0 5 200 48 1 46 8
Venti  500 15 11 0 10 240 57 1 55 10
Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Milk Tall 340 11 9 0 5 120 23 0 22 6
Grande 420 13 10 0 5 140 28 0 27 7
Venti  470 14 11 0 5 170 34 0 33 8
Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Milk Tall 290 7 7 0 5 120 23 0 22 6
Grande 360 15 13 0 5 220 50 0 48 11
Venti  410 9 8 0 5 170 34 0 33 9
Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO . WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE  Almond , Milk  Tall 280 9 6 0 5 80 20 0 19 2
Grande 350 9 7 0 5 95 25 1 24 3
Venti  380 10 7 0 5 115 30 1 29 3
Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE  Soya, Milk  Tall 300 9 7 0 5 60 17 1 15 6
Grande 360 10 7 0 5 75 21 1 19 7
Venti  410 12 8 0 5 90 26 1 24 9
Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE Soya, Milk  Tall 300 9 7 0 5 90 21 0 20 3
Grande 370 10 8 0 5 110 26 0 25 4
Venti  420 11 8 0 5 130 31 0 30 5
Caffè Mocha - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water,fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Milk Tall 330 9 6 0 5 80 20 0 19 2
Grande 410 18 12 0 5 180 65 7 56 15
Venti  510 22 15 0 5 230 80 9 69 19
Caffè Mocha - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Milk Tall 260 8 7 0 5 150 53 6 46 13
Grande 310 9 7 0 5 180 65 7 56 16
Venti  380 11 8 0 5 230 80 9 69 21
Caffè Mocha - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Almond , Milk  Tall 240 12 7 0 5 85 53 7 44 6
Grande 280 13 7 0 5 95 63 9 53 7
Venti  350 15 8 0 5 120 47 10 62 9
Caffè Mocha - Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans ,acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Soya, Milk  Tall 260 12 7 0 5 45 42 8 33 13
Grande 320 14 7 0 5 55 52 9 41 16
Venti  390 17 8 0 5 65 63 11 49 20
Caffè Mocha - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Soya, Milk  Tall 270 11 8 0 5 100 50 6 42 8
Grande 320 19 9 0 5 115 61 8 51 10
Venti  390 15 10 0 5 150 74 10 63 13
Iced Caffè Mocha - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water,fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). ICE. Milk Tall 280 11 9 0 0 95 26 2 23 7
Grande 320 12 9 0 5 105 33 3 28 8
Venti  350 14 10 0 5 120 39 4 34 9
Iced Caffè Mocha - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water,fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). ICE. Milk Tall 230 7 6 0 0 90 26 2 23 7
Grande 270 8 7 0 5 105 33 3 28 8
Venti  300 12 11 0 5 130 41 4 36 10
Iced Caffè Mocha - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Almond, Milk   Tall 210 8 6 0 0 50 23 3 19 3
Grande 250 9 6 0 5 55 29 4 24 3
Venti  280 10 7 0 5 65 36 5 29 4
Iced Caffè Mocha - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans ,acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Soya, Milk  Tall 230 9 6 0 0 30 20 3 16 7
Grande 270 10 7 0 5 35 26 4 20 8
Venti  300 11 7 0 5 40 31 5 25 10
Iced Caffè Mocha - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . BREWED ESPRESSO. BAR MOCHA : sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160a). Soya, Milk  Tall 230 9 7 0 0 65 24 3 20 4
Grande 270 9 7 0 5 70 30 4 26 5
Venti  300 10 8 0 5 80 37 5 31 6
Iced Caramel Macchiato - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.  VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE . Milk, Sulphite  Tall 170 3 0 0 0 70 30 1 26 2
Grande 220 7 4.5 0 0 130 30 0 27 7
Venti  240 10 6 0 0 190 38 0 36 10
Iced Caramel Macchiato - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.  VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE  Milk, Sulphite  Tall 120 6 3.5 0 0 110 24 0 22 6
Grande 150 1 1 0 0 125 31 0 28 8
Venti  170 1.5 1 0 0 190 39 0 36 11
Iced Caramel Macchiato - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . BREWED ESPRESSO .VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor.ICE  Almond ,Milk Sulphite  Tall 110 3 0 0 0 70 30 1 26 2
Grande 140 3 0 0 0 65 26 1 22 2
Venti  160 3 0 0 0 70 30 1 26 2
Iced Caramel Macchiato - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK:hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE  Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 120 4 1 0 0 40 16 1 13 7
Grande 160 1 1 0 0 125 31 0 28 8
Venti  180 4.5 1 0 0 40 26 1 21 8
Iced Caramel Macchiato - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). . BREWED ESPRESSO.  VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour  (E150d). CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE  Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 130 3 1.5 0 0 85 22 0 19 3
Grande 160 3 1.5 0 0 85 28 1 24 4
Venti  180 3.5 2 0 0 90 32 1 28 4
Café Americano INGREDIENTS: BREWED ESPRESSO, WATER   Tall 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Grande 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
Venti  20 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1
Iced Café Americano BREWED ESPRESSO, ICE NA  Tall 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
Grande 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Venti  20 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1
Iced Starbucks Signature Chocolate - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). ICE.  Milk Tall 330 17 11 0 30 170 57 5 44 15
Grande 460 20 12 0 35 210 66 6 50 17
Venti  570 24 15 0 45 230 86 9 64 20
Iced Starbucks Signature Chocolate - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). ICE. Milk Tall 330 10 7 0 30 170 58 5 44 15
Grande 380 12 8 0 35 190 66 6 51 18
Venti  480 16 10 0 45 210 86 9 65 21
Iced Starbucks Signature Chocolate - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). ICE. Almond , Milk Tall 310 9 4.5 0 20 70 38 5 28 6
Grande 360 11 5 0 25 85 45 5 33 7
Venti  460 14 7 0 35 100 62 7 45 10
Iced Starbucks Signature Chocolate - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2)..  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). ICE. Soya, Milk Tall 330 14 7 0 30 65 47 7 32 15
Grande 380 16 8 0 35 75 64 8 37 18
Venti  490 20 10 0 45 90 74 10 50 21
Iced Starbucks Signature Chocolate - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418)..ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). ICE. Soya, Milk  Tall 330 13 8 0 30 150 54 6 40 11
Grande 380 15 9 0 35 135 62 7 46 12
Venti  490 19 11 0 45 140 82 9 60 15
Signature Hot Chocolate - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3.  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 440 22 17 0 30 130 59 6 44 11
Grande 540 27 18 0 45 140 87 10 64 13
Venti  670 32 23 0 45 210 92 9 69 19
Signature Hot Chocolate - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3.  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 400 19 15 0 30 120 59 6 45 12
Grande 480 21 16 0 35 180 71 7 54 16
Venti  590 25 19 0 45 210 92 9 70 20
Signature Hot Chocolate - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Almond , Milk  Tall 400 20 15 0 13 85 57 6 42 8
Grande 460 23 16 0 35 115 67 8 49 10
Venti  570 27 18 0 45 140 87 10 64 13
Signature Hot Chocolate - Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). .  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).  Soya, Milk  Tall 410 21 15 0 13 75 54 7 39 11
Grande 480 24 16 0 35 90 62 8 44 16
Venti  590 29 19 0 45 110 82 11 58 20
Signature Hot Chocolate - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418).  ICDM MIX: sugar, cocoa powder processed with alkali, milk, cocoa butter, vanillin (an artificial flavour). BAR MOCHA.WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).  Soya, Milk  Tall 410 20 15 0 30 95 58 6 43 9
Grande 480 24 16 0 35 90 62 8 44 16
Venti  600 28 20 0 45 160 89 10 66 15
Freshly Brewed Coffee INGREDIENTS: BREWED  medium roasted coffee.  NA  Tall 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cold Brew INGREDIENTS: COLD BREW COFFEE: concentrate water, coffee, ice. NA  Grande 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Venti  5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  
Cold Brew Latte - Whole Milk INGREDIENTS: Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. COLD BREW COFFEE: concentrate water, coffee, ice. Milk Short 60 2.5 0 0 0 15 2 1 0 5
Tall 80 3 2 0 0 50 5 0 5 3
Grande 100 7 4.5 0 0 120 12 0 11 7
Hot Double Shot - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 230 21 19     135 17 0 16 6
Grande 380 29 25 0 0 180 23 0 21 9
Hot Double Shot - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Tall 230 17 16 0 0 130 17 0 16 7
Grande 310 22 21 0 0 180 23 0 21 9
Hot Double Shot - Almond Milk Ingredients:almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO . WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Almond , Milk  Tall 240 18 16 0 0 130 14 0 12 1
Grande 320 24 21 0 0 110 18 1 15 2
Hot Double Shot - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK:hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO. WHIPPING CREAM :  water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Soya, Milk  Tall 240 19 16 0 0 60 10 1 7 6
Grande 320 25 22 0 0 130 19 0 17 4
Hot Double Shot - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO. WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Soya, Milk  Tall 240 18 17 0 0 95 15 0 13 3
Grande 320 26 21 0 0 80 13 1 10 9
Double Shot Iced Shaken- Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk Short 90 6 6 0 0 40 6 0 5 2
Tall 150 10 9 0 0 70 10 0 7 4
Grande 200 14 12 0 0 85 14 0 10 5
English Breakfast Tea INGREDIENTS: ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA, WATER NA  Short 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Earl Grey Tea INGREDIENTS: EARL GREY : black tea, bergamot essence, lavender flowers , WATER NA  Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Teavana Emperor Cloud Mist Green Tea INGREDIENTS: CLOUND MINT GREEN TEA, WATER NA  Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mint Citrus Tea INGREDIENTS: MINT CITRUS TEA: green tea, spearmint leaves, lemon verbena leaves, lemongrass, natural lemon flavoring. WATER NA  Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Matcha Latte - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. MATCHA POWDER. Milk Tall 140 7 4.5 0 0 140 11 0 11 7
Grande 190 10 6 0 0 160 15 0 15 10
Venti  270 14 8 0 0 230 21 0 21 4
Matcha Latte - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. MATCHA POWDER. Milk Tall 70 1 0.5 0 0 120 12 0 12 8
Grande 100 1.5 1 0 0 160 16 0 16 11
Venti  130 2 1.5 0 0 230 22 0 22 15
Matcha Latte - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: water, almond (2,5%), Fructose, acidity regulators (dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate), Calcium (Calcium carbonate), stabilisers (gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum), natural flavourings, Sea salt. MATCHA POWDER. Almond  Tall 50 4 0 0 0 80 10 1 8 2
Grande 70 5 0 0 0 105 13 1 11 2
Venti  100 7 0.5 0 0 130 16 2 14 3
Matcha Latte - Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: water, hulled soya beans (6,4%), acidity regulators (monopotassium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate), calcium (calcium carbonate), maltodextrin, stabiliser (gellan gum), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). MATCHA POWDER. Soya Tall 80 4.5 0.5 0 0 30 2 1 0 8
Grande 100 6 1 0 0 35 3 2 0 10
Venti  140 8 1.5 0 0 50 4 3 0 15
Matcha Latte - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans (2,9%), sugar, fructose, acidity regulators (dipotassium phosphate,monopotassium phosphate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (gellan gum). MATCHA POWDER. Soya Tall 80 3.5 1.5 0 0 75 8 0 8 4
Grande 100 4.5 2 0 0 100 11 1 10 5
Venti  150 4.5 4.5 0 0 230 13 0 9 6
Iced Matcha Latte - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. MATCHA POWDER. Milk Tall 130 7 4 0 0 110 10 0 10 7
Grande 170 9 5 0 0 170 13 0 13 9
Venti  180 10 6 0 0 170 15 0 15 10
Iced Matcha Latte - Skimmed Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. MATCHA POWDER. Milk Tall 60 1 0.5 0 0 19 11 0 11 7
Grande 90 4 2 0 0 110 10 1 9 4
Venti  90 1 1 0 0 160 15 0 15 10
Iced Matcha Latte - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. MATCHA POWDER. Almond  Tall 50 2.5 0 0 0 50 6 1 5 1
Grande 70 3.5 0 0 0 65 8 1 7 1
Venti  70 3.5 0 0 0 17 9 1 8 2
Iced Matcha Latte - Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). MATCHA POWDER. Soya Tall 70 4 0.5 0 0 25 2 1 0 7
Grande 90 5 1 0 0 35 2 2 0 9
Venti  100 6 1 0 0 35 2 2 0 10
Iced Matcha Latte - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . MATCHA POWDER. Soya Tall 70 3 1.5 0 0 70 8 0 7 3
Grande 90 4.5 2     160 0 0 101 0
Venti  100 4.5 2 0 0 160 0 0 10 0
Lemon Mint Breeze INGREDIENTS: WILD MINT SYRUP: sugar, water, natural flavouring. SUGARCANE SYRUP. FRESH LEMONADE SQUEEZED.MINT LEAVES. SODA .ICE NA  Tall 190 0 0 0 0 50 50 3 42 0
NA  Grande 260 0 0 0 0 55 69 3 58 0
NA  Venti  360 0 0 0 0 70 97 4 83 0
Iced Shaken Black Tea INGREDIENTS: BLACK TEA. WATER NA  Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iced Shaken Black Tea & Lemonade INGREDIENTS: BLACK TEA. WATER. LEMONADE NA  Tall 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iced Shaken Green Tea INGREDIENTS: GREEN TEA. WATER NA  Tall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iced Shaken Green Tea & Lemonade INGREDIENTS: GREEN TEA. WATER. LEMONADE NA  Tall 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venti  50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Espresso Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring ( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative(E202), Acidity Regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 160 3 1.5 0 0 70 31 0 30 3
Grande 230 3.5 2 0 0 210 45 0 44 4
Venti  280 3.5 2 0 0 95 58 0 57 4
Espresso Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring ( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative(E202), Acidity Regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 140 0 0 0 0 150 32 0 31 4
Grande 200 0 0 0 0 210 46 0 44 5
Venti  250 0 0 0 0 270 59 0 58 5
Espresso Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP:Coffee Flavouring ( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative(E202), Acidity Regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Almond , Sulphite  Tall 130 1 0 0 0 125 30 0 28 1
Grande 190 1.5 0 0 0 180 44 0 42 1
Venti  240 1.5 0 0 0 230 57 0 55 1
Espresso Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO.. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP:Coffee Flavouring ( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative(E202), Acidity Regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Soya, Sulphite  Tall 140 1.5 0 0 0 115 28 1 26 4
Grande 200 2 0 0 0 170 41 1 39 4
Venti  260 2 0 0 0 220 55 1 52 5
Espresso Frappuccino - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418).. BREWED ESPRESSO. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring ( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Soya, Sulphite  Tall 140 1.5 0.5 0 0 135 31 0 29 2
Grande 200 1.5 1 0 0 190 44 0 43 2
Venti  260 1.5 1 0 0 240 58 0 56 3
Coffee Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring (Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: (E202), Acidity Regulator: (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 160 3 1.5 0 0 90 31   30 3
Grande 220 3.5 2 0 0 150 45 0 44 4
Venti  280 3.5 2 0 0 160 58 0 58 4
Coffee Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring (Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: (E202), Acidity Regulator: (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 130 0 0 0 0 25 31 0 31 3
Grande 190 0 0 0 0 150 45 0 44 4
Venti  240 0 0 0 0 140 58 0 58 4
Coffee Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring (Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: (E202), Acidity Regulator: (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Almond, Sulphite   Tall 130 1 0 0 0 60 29 0 28 1
Grande 180 1.5 0 0 0 85 43 0 42 1
Venti  240 1.5 0 0 0 110 56 0 55 1
Coffee Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring (Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: (E202), Acidity Regulator: (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Soya, Sulphite  Tall 130 1.5 0 0 0 50 27 1 26 3
Grande 190 2 0 0 0 75 40 1 39 4
Venti  250 0 0 0 0 95 54 1 52 4
Coffee Frappuccino - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring (Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: (E202), Acidity Regulator: (E330). FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Soya, Sulphite  Tall 130 1 0 0 0 0.5 70 0 29 2
Grande 190 1.5 0.5 0 0 95 43 0 43 2
Venti  250 1.5 1 0 0 120 57 0 56 2
Caramel Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour (Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 290 2.5 1 0 0 0 140 39 1 36
Grande 360 3 3 0 0 0 160 50 3 40
Venti  420 5 . 0 0 0 180 70 3 50
Caramel Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour (Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 260 9 9 0 0 180 42 0 41 4
Grande 330 9 9 0 0 240 58 0 56 4
Venti  390 9 9 0 0 290 74 0 71 5
Caramel Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . BREWED ESPRESSO .  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour (Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Almond, Milk Sulphite   Tall 260 9 8 0 0 140 38 0 36 1
Grande 320 10 9 0 0 210 56 0 54 1
Venti  380 10 9 0 0 260 71 0 69 1
Caramel Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: water, hulled soya beans (6,4%), acidity regulators (monopotassium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (gellan gum), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO.  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE. .COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Soya, Milk, Suphite  Tall 260 11 9 0 0 140 39 1 36 3
Grande 330 11 9 0 0 190 54 1 51 4
Venti  390 11 9 0 0 250 69 1 66 5
Caramel Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans (2,9%), sugar, fructose, acidity regulators (dipotassium phosphate,monopotassium phosphate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (gellan gum). BREWED ESPRESSO . CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Soya, Milk, Suphite  Tall 260 10 9 0 0 160 41 0 39 2
Grande 330 10 9 0 0 220 57 0 54 2
Venti  390 11 9 0 0 270 72 0 69 3
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour( E150d - sulphite), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE Milk, Sulphite  Tall 310 13 11 0 0 190 44 0 43 4
Grande 420 15 12 0 5 270 66 0 65 5
Venti  470 15 13 0 5 330 80 0 78 6
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour( E150d - sulphite), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE Milk, Sulphite  Tall 280 10 10 0 0 190 44 0 43 4
Grande 380 12 11 0 5 270 66 0 65 6
Venti  440 12 11 0 5 330 80 0 78 6
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  BREWED ESPRESSO . WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour( E150d - sulphite), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE Almond , Milk, Sulphite Tall 270 11 10 0 0 170 42 0 41 2
Grande 380 13 10 0 5 240 64 0 63 3
Venti  440 13 10 0 5 300 78 0 76 3
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino - Soya  Milk Ingredients: Soya Milk: hulled soya beans ,acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO.  WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour( E150d - sulphite), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Soya, Milk, Sulphite Tall 280 12 10 0 0 160 40 1 39 4
Grande 390 13 11 0 5 230 62 1 60 6
Venti  440 13 11 0 5 280 75 1 73 6
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . BREWED ESPRESSO. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring Colour( E150d - sulphite), Salt, Thickener (E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. ICE. Soya, Milk, Sulphite Tall 380 11 10 0 0 170 42 0 41 3
Grande 390 13 11 0 5 250 65 0 63 4
Venti  440 13 11 0 5 180 78 0 77 4
Mocha Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor) Milk, Sulphite Tall 340 13 11 0 0 110 51 3 48 5
Grande 440 14 12 0 5 140 72 4 67 6
Venti  530 15 12 0 5 170 92 5 86 7
Mocha Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor). Milk, Sulphite Tall 310 11 10 0 0 170 51 3 48 5
Grande 400 11 10 0 5 230 72 4 67 7
Venti  490 12 11 0 5 270 92 5 86 8
Mocha Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: water, almond (2,5%), Fructose, acidity regulators (dipotassium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate), Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (gellan gum, carrageenan, guar gum), natural flavourings, Sea salt. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor) Almond, Sulphite   Tall 310 11 10 0 0 150 50 3 46 3
Grande 410 12 10 0 5 200 70 4 64 4
Venti  490 13 10 0 5 260 90 5 83 5
Mocha Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: water, hulled soya beans (6,4%), acidity regulators (monopotassium phosphate, dipotassium phosphate), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (gellan gum), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor) Soya, Sulphite  Tall 320 12 10 0 0 135 48 3 43 5
Grande 410 13 10 0 5 190 68 4 62 7
Venti  500 14 11 0 5 240 88 5 80 8
Mocha Frappuccino - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans (2,9%), sugar, fructose, acidity regulators (dipotassium phosphate,monopotassium phosphate), calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (gellan gum). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor). CHOCOLATE CUBES. Soya, Sulphite  Tall 320 12 10 0 0 160 50 53 46 4
Grande 410 12 11 0 5 210 71 4 65 5
Venti  500 13 11 0 5 270 91 5 84 6
Mocha Java Chip - Whole Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a) .  ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).MOCHA SAUCE. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator(E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. CHOCOLATE CUBES. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 390 11 10 0 0 140 40 3 36 6
Grande 520 12 10 0 5 230 72 4 57 7
Venti  640 17 14 0 5 320 79 5 74 9
Mocha Java Chip- Skimmed  Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a) .  ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).MOCHA SAUCE. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator(E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. CHOCOLATE CUBES. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 370 11 10 0 0 170 51 3 48 5
Grande 490 11 10 0 5 230 72 4 57 7
Venti  600 12 11 0 5 290 92 5 86 8
Mocha Java Chip - Almond  Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).MOCHA SAUCE. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator(E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE Almond, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 360 11 10 0 0 150 50 3 46 3
Grande 480 12 10 0 5 200 70 4 55 4
Venti  590 13 10 0 5 260 90 5 83 5
Mocha Java Chip- Soya Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans  acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).MOCHA SAUCE. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator(E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. CHOCOLATE CUBES. Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 370 12 10 0 0 135 48 3 43 5
Grande 490 13 10 0 5 190 68 4 62 7
Venti  600 14 11 0 5 240 88 5 80 8
Mocha Java Chip - Coconut  Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).MOCHA SAUCE. COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring( Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener(E415), Preservative (E202), Acidity Regulator(E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. CHOCOLATE CUBES. Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 400 13 11 0 0 180 53 3 49 5
Grande 490 12 11 0 5 210 71 4 65 5
Venti  610 13 11 0 5 270 91 5 84 6
Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Whole Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavoring, salt, thickener: (E415), preservatives: (E202), acidity regulator:  (E330).  Milk, Sulphite  Tall 260 13 11 0 0 190 36 0 34 4
Grande 320 14 11 0 0 260 45 0 43 5
Venti  380 14 12 0 0 320 60 0 59 5
Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavoring, salt, thickener: (E415), preservatives: (E202), acidity regulator:  (E330).  Milk, Sulphite  Tall 230 9 9 0 0 190 34 0 32 4
Grande 280 10 9 0 0 260 48 0 47 5
Venti  330 10 9 0 0 230 57 54 6  
Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Almond  Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt .BREWED ESPRESSO . CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavoring, salt, thickener: (E415), preservatives: (E202), acidity regulator:  (E330).  Almond, Milk,  Sulphite   Tall 220 10 9 0 0 160 32 0 29 1
Grande 270 11 9 0 0 220 45 1 43 1
Venti  320 11 9 0 0 270 57 1 55 1
Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Soya  Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans, acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BREWED ESPRESSO.  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavoring, salt, thickener: (E415), preservatives: (E202), acidity regulator:  (E330).  Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 230 11 9 0 0 140 29 1 27 4
Grande 280 12 9 0 0 200 42 1 40 5
Venti  330 12 9 0 0 250 54 1 51 6
Caramel Cream Frappuccino -Coconut  Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) . BREWED ESPRESSO.  CARAMEL SAUCE : purified water, natural cow’s milk dried, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, butter fat, stabilizer (E407, E407a), calcium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, salt, caramel flavor. ICE.CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour (E150d), acidity regulator (E330).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavoring, salt, thickener: (E415), preservatives: (E202), acidity regulator:  (E330).  Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 230 11 9 0 0 170 34 0 33 2
Grande 280 11 10 0 0 230 46 0 45 2
Venti  320 11 10 0 0 280 57 0 56 2
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).
FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, sunflower oil, sugar, stabilizers (E420ii, E463),
milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings,colour (160a).  ICE.
Milk, Sulphite Tall 210 9 9 0 0 180 32 0 32 4
Grande 260 7 6 0 0 210 40 0 40 2
Venti  310 10 9 0 0 310 57 0 56 6
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3.   VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (contains colour caramel E150a), preservative: (E202) (0.1% within the permissible limit), acidity regulator(E330), Colour  (E150d). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).  WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, sunflower oil, sugar, stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings,colour (160a). ICE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 220 9 9 0 0 180 32 0 32 4
Grande 260 9 9 0 0 250 45 0 44 5
Venti  310 10 9 0 0 310 57 0 56 6
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients:Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. BREWED ESPRESSO. VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, sunflower oil, sugar, stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings,colour (160a). ICE.  Almond, Milk  Sulphite  Tall 210 10 9 0 0 150 30 0 29 1
Grande 250 11 9 0 0 210 42 1 41 1
Venti  300 11 9 0 0 260 53 1 52 1
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients:  Soya Milk :hulled soya beans ,acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM: water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, sunflower oil, sugar, stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings,colour (160a). ICE.   Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 220 11 9 0 0 140 27 1 26 4
Grande 270 12 9 0 0 190 39 1 37 5
Venti  300 12 9 0 0 240 50 1 48 6
Vanilla Cream Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk (3,5%) (coconut cream, water), hulled soya beans, sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM: water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, sunflower oil, sugar, stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings,colour (160a). ICE.  Soya, Milk, Sulphite  Tall 220 11 9 0 0 160 31 0 30 2
Grande 270 11 10 0 0 220 43 0 42 2
Venti  320 11 10 0 0 280 54 0 54 3
Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino - Whole Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM: water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE. BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).CHOCOLATE CUBES. Milk Tall 370 14 12 0 0 190 45 3 41 6
Grande 480 16 13 0 5 250 62 4 58 7
Venti  590 17 14 0 5 320 79 5 54 9
Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM: water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE. BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).CHOCOLATE CUBES. Milk Tall 330 11 10 0 0 180 44 3 41 6
Grande 440 12 10 0 5 250 62 4 58 8
Venti  540 12 11 0 5 320 80 5 74 9
Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino- Almond Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).CHOCOLATE CUBES. Almond, Milk  Tall 330 12 10 0 0 150 42 3 39 2
Grande 430 13 10 0 5 60 59 4 54 3
Venti  530 14 10 0 5 270 76 5 70 4
Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino - Soya Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a) .ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor).CHOCOLATE CUBES. Soya, Milk  Tall 340 12 10 0 0 140 40 3 36 6
Grande 440 14 10 0 5 190 56 4 51 7
Venti  550 15 11 0 5 250 72 6 66 9
Double Chocolatey Chip Cream Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM :  water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a) .ICE.BAR MOCHA: sugar, vanillin (an artificial flavor). CHOCOLATE CUBES. Soya, Milk  Tall 340 12 10 0 0 160 43 3 39 4
Grande 440 13 11 0 5 220 57 4 52 5
Venti  550 14 11 0 5 290 77 5 71 6
White Chocolate Cream Frappuccino  Chip Frappuccino- Whole Milk Ingredients: Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.  Milk Tall 280 16 10 0 0 210 35 0 34 5
Grande 380 16 13 0 5 290 56 0 56 6
Venti  430 16 14 0 5 350 66 0 66 7
White Chocolate Cream Frappuccino  - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients: Milk:Fresh cow’s milk, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3. FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavouring,  salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.  Milk Tall 250 11 10 0 0 210 35 0 34 5
Grande 340 12 11 0 5 290 54 0 53 7
Venti  380 12 11 0 5 350 63 0 62 7
White Chocolate Cream Frappuccino - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.  Almond, Milk  Tall 240 12 10 0 0 170 35 0 34 1
Grande 330 13 11 0 5 250 53 1 52 2
Venti  370 13 11 0 5 310 63 1 62 2
White Chocolate Cream Frappuccino  - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.  Soya, Milk Tall 250 12 10 0 0 160 30 1 29 5
Grande 340 14 11 0 5 230 50 1 49 6
Venti  380 14 11 0 5 290 56 1 54 7
White Chocolate Cream Frappuccino  - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) .WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA: sugar, condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed milk, coconut oil, cocoa butter, salt, emulsifier (471).FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME: water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM :water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). ICE.  Soya, Milk  Tall 250 12 10 0 0 180 35 0 35 3
Grande 340 13 11 0 5 260 54 0 54 4
Venti  380 14 12 0 5 320 64 0 63 4
Double Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Whole Milk INGREDIENTS:Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3.  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). CARAMEL SAUCE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 260 5 3.5 0 0 150 33 0 31 1
Grande 320 7 6 0 0 230 47 0 45 4
Venti  380 11 10 0 0 300 60 0 58 4
Double Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk INGREDIENTS:Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3.  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). CARAMEL SAUCE. Milk, Sulphite  Tall 230 4 4 0 0 170 35 0 34 4
Grande 280 4.5 4 0 0 230 47 0 45 4
Venti  330 8 8 0 0 300 60 0 58 5
Double Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt. FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). CARAMEL SAUCE. Milk, Almond, Sulphite   Tall 220 5 3.5 0 0 150 33 0 31 1
Grande 270 5 4 0 0 230 45 0 43 1
Venti  320 9 7 0 0 260 57 1 55 1
Double Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). CARAMEL SAUCE. Soya, Milk , Sulphite  Tall 230 5 4 0 0 135 31 1 29 3
Grande 280 6 4 0 0 190 43 1 40 4
Venti  330 10 8 0 0 250 55 1 52 4
Double Caramel Cream Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). CARAMEL FLAVOUR SYRUP:  sugar syrup, water, natural and nature identical caramel flavour, preservative: (E202) , colour  (E150d), acidity regulator (E330). CARAMEL SAUCE. Soya, Milk , Sulphite  Tall 230 5 4 0 0 150 34 0 32 2
Grande 280 5 4.5 0 0 210 46 0 44 2
Venti  320 9 8 0 0 270 58 0 56 2
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino - Whole Milk INGREDIENTS : Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3.  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Strawberry Fruit Mix: sugar, strawberry puree, natural flavouring ( strawberry), citric acid ( acidifyinh agent), natural colour ( E163), pectin (  thickener), preservative (E202). Milk  Tall 330 10 9 0 0 180 55 0 55 4
Grande 450 14 12 0 0 260 77 0 76 5
Venti  550 15 12 0 0 320 97 0 96 6
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk INGREDIENTS : Milk: Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3.  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Strawberry Fruit Mix: sugar, strawberry puree, natural flavouring ( strawberry), citric acid ( acidifyinh agent), natural colour ( E163), pectin (thickener), preservative (E202). Milk  Tall 300 9 7 0 0 135 51 1 50 4
Grande 420 10 9 0 0 190 70 0 69 1
Venti  510 13 10 0 0 250 90 1 88 6
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino - Almond Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Strawberry Fruit Mix: sugar, strawberry puree, natural flavouring ( strawberry), citric acid ( acidifyinh agent), natural colour ( E163), pectin (thickener), preservative (E202). Milk, Almond  Tall 290 8 7 0 0 180 54 0 53 1
Grande 400 11 9 0 0 260 75 0 74 1
Venti  480 12 9 0 0 270 94 1 92 1
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Strawberry Fruit Mix: sugar, strawberry puree, natural flavouring ( strawberry), citric acid ( acidifyinh agent), natural colour ( E163), pectin (thickener), preservative (E202). Milk, Soya  Tall 300 9 7 0 0 135 51 1 50 4
Grande 410 12 10 0 0 200 71 1 69 5
Venti  500 13 10 0 0 250 90 1 88 6
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino - Coconut Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418).FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330). WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Strawberry Fruit Mix: sugar, strawberry puree, natural flavouring ( strawberry), citric acid ( acidifyinh agent), natural colour ( E163), pectin (thickener), preservative (E202). Milk, Soya  Tall 300 8 7 0 0 150 54 0 53 2
Grande 410 12 10 0 0 230 75 0 74 3
Venti  500 12 10 0 0 280 95 0 94 3
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).  BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk  Tall 320 14 12 0 0 190 45 3 41 6
Grande 400 16 13 0 5 100 62 4 58 7
Venti  480 17 13 0 5 115 79 5 73 9
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino - Skimmed  Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).  BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk  Tall 280 11 10 0 0 190 45 3 42 6
Grande 360 12 10 0 5 250 62 4 58 8
Venti  430 14 11 0 5 80 77 5 71 6
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk, Almond  Tall 270 12 10 0 0 150 42 3 39 3
Grande 350 13 10 0 5 210 59 4 54 3
Venti  420 14 10 0 5 65 76 5 70 4
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino -Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2). BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk, Soya  Tall 280 12 10 0 0 140 40 3 36 6
Grande 360 14 10 0 5 190 56 4 51 7
Venti  430 15 11 0 5 45 72 6 66 9
Chocolate Cream Frappuccino -Coconut  Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). Milk, Soya  Tall 290 12 10 0 0 160 43 3 40 4
Grande 360 13 11 0 5 220 60 4 55 5
Venti  440 14 11 0 5 80 77 5 71 6
Mango Passion Blend  Ingredients: Mango ripple pure: mango, cane sugar, water, high fructose syrup, thickener ( E1442, E407), natural identical flavor, acidity regulator ( E330, E331), preservative ( E202), antioxidant ( E300) color ( E100) . Passion fruit base: passion fruit puree, cane sugar, water, concentrated lemon juice, natural identical flavor, thickener ( E440), antioxidant ( E300), preservative ( 202). Sugar cane syrup: pure cane sugar, water. Green tea  NA  Tall 160 0 0 0 0 150 39 0 36 0
Grande 230 0 0 0 0 200 58 0 54 0
Venti  310 0 0 0 0 260 76 0 71 0
Mango Passion Shaken  Ingredients: Mango ripple pure: mango, cane sugar, water, high fructose syrup, thickener ( E1442, E407), natural identical flavor, acidity regulator ( E330, E331), preservative ( E202), antioxidant ( E300) color ( E100) . Passion fruit base: passion fruit puree, cane sugar, water, concentrated lemon juice, natural identical flavor, thickener ( E440), antioxidant ( E300), preservative ( 202). Green tea  NA  Tall 120 0 0 0 0 140 30 0 27 0
Grande 160 0 0 0 0 190 40 0 36 0
Venti  200 0 0 0 0 240 51 0 46 0
Mixedberry Blend  Ingredients: Mixed berries ripple: fruit ( blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry), cane sugar, water, high fructose syrup, thickener( E1442, E440), acidity regulator ( E330, E331), natural identical flavor, preservative ( E202), black carrot concentrated juice . Sugar cane syrup: pure cane sugar, water. Green tea  NA  Tall 150 0 5 0 0 35 38 1 29 0
Grande 230 0 7 0 0 50 56 1 44 0
Venti  300 0 9 0 0 70 75 1 59 0
Mixedberry Shaken  Ingredients: Mixed berries ripple: fruit ( blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry), cane sugar, water, high fructose syrup, thickener( E1442, E440), acidity regulator ( E330, E331), natural identical flavor, preservative ( E202), black carrot concentrated juice . Green tea  NA  Tall 120 0 5 0 0 30 29 1 20 0
Grande 160 0 7 0 0 40 39 1 27 0
Venti  200 0 9 0 0 50 49 1 34 0  
 Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Creme - Whole Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Sulphite Tall 390 16 12 0 5 180 58 5 49 7
Grande 520 19 14 0 5 250 80 6 68 9
Venti  640 23 16 0 5 310 102 8 86 11  
 Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Creme - Skimmed Milk Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Sulphite Tall 370 13 10 0 5 170 58 5 49 7
Grande 490 16 12 0 5 250 80 6 68 10
Venti  600 18 13 0 5 310 102 8 86 12  
 Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Creme - Almond  Milk Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). Almond, Milk, Gluten, Soya, Sulphite  Tall 350 13 10 0 5 170 56 5 47 4
Grande 470 17 11 0 5 240 78 7 65 5
Venti  580 20 13 0 5 310 99 8 83 7  
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Creme - Soya  Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Sulphite Tall 360 14 10 0 5 130 54 5 44 7
Grande 490 18 12 0 5 190 74 7 61 9
Venti  600 21 13 0 5 240 95 9 78 12  
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino Creme - Coconut Milk Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Sulphite  Tall 360 14 10 0 5 150 57 5 47 5
Grande 480 17 12 0 5 220 78 7 65 7
Venti  600 20 14 0 5 280 100 8 83 8
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino - Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322)-COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Gluten, Soya , Sulphite  Tall 390 15 11 0 5 80 62 4 53 6
Grande 530 18 13 0 5 100 87 6 74 8
Venti  650 21 15 0 5 120 111 7 95 10
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring , salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322). COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Milk, Gluten, Soya , Sulphite  Tall 370 13 10 0 5 65 60 4 52 5
Grande 500 16 12 0 5 80 85 6 73 6
Venti  620 19 13 0 5 95 109 8 93 8
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino - Almond Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d). COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322).COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE. Almond, Gluten, Soya , Sulphite  Tall 360 13 9 0 5 80 60 4 51 4
Grande 490 16 11 0 5 100 85 6 72 5
Venti  610 19 13 0 5 120 109 8 93 7
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino - Soya Milk Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2).WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322).COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE.  Gluten, Soya, Sulphite  Tall 370 13 10 0 5 45 58 5 49 6
Grande 500 17 11 0 5 60 82 6 69 8
Venti  620 20 13 0 5 70 106 8 89 10
Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino - Coconut Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a).BAR MOCHA: sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, vanillin (an artificial flavor).VANILLA FLAVOUR SYRUP:sugar syrup, water, natural & Nature identical vanilla Flavour (colour (E150a)), preservative (E202), acidity regulator(E330), Colour (E150d).  COOKIE CRUMBLE  : Light Brown Sugar, White Flour, Cocoa Powder, Glucose Syrup, Sunflower Oil, Sodium Bicarbonate, Thickener (Soya Lecithin – E322), Salt. CHOCOLATE CUBES: Cocoa mass - sugar - cocoa butter - emulsifier:soy lecithin (E322),COFFEE FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP: Sugar, Water, Coffee Flavouring N&NI (contains Colour: Caramel E150d), Salt, Thickener: Xanthan Gum(E415), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate (E202), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330).FRAPPUCCINO ROAST SOLUBLE COFFEE.  Gluten, Soya, Sulphite  Tall 370 13 10 0 5 65 60 4 52 5
Grande 510 17 12 0 20 95 85 5 78 6
Venti  620 19 13 0 5 95 109 8 93 8
Blueberry cheesecake Frappuccino - Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). BLUEBERRY FRUIT MIX: Sugar, blueberry pieces, blueberry puree, natural flavouring, acid: citric acid, black carrot concentrate, thickener: pectin, preservative: E202, colour: E133. Contains 50.1% blueberry puree and pieces. DIGESTIVE CRUMBLE:           Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), sugar, invert sugar syrup, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate. Milk, Gluten  Tall 310 14 12     220 41 0 39 5
Grande 440 17 14 0 10 310 64 1 61 7
Venti  550 19 15     410 85 1 82 8
Blueberry cheesecake Frappuccino - Skimmed Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3 .FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). BLUEBERRY FRUIT MIX: Sugar, blueberry pieces, blueberry puree, natural flavouring, acid: citric acid, black carrot concentrate, thickener: pectin, preservative: E202, colour: E133. Contains 50.1% blueberry puree and pieces. DIGESTIVE CRUMBLE:           Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), sugar, invert sugar syrup, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate. Milk, Gluten  Tall 290 11 10     220 41 0 39 5
Grande 400 13 11     320 63 1 61 7
Venti  510 14 12     410 86 1 83 9
Blueberry cheesecake Frappuccino - Almond Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt.  FFRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). BLUEBERRY FRUIT MIX: Sugar, blueberry pieces, blueberry puree, natural flavouring, acid: citric acid, black carrot concentrate, thickener: pectin, preservative: E202, colour: E133. Contains 50.1% blueberry puree and pieces. DIGESTIVE CRUMBLE:           Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), sugar, invert sugar syrup, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate. Almond, Milk Gluten  Tall 270 12 10     220 39 1 37 2
Grande 380 14 11 0 10 310 61 1 58 3
Venti  490 16 12     410 82 1 79 3
Blueberry cheesecake Frappuccino - Soya  Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK: hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2).FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). BLUEBERRY FRUIT MIX: Sugar, blueberry pieces, blueberry puree, natural flavouring, acid: citric acid, black carrot concentrate, thickener: pectin, preservative: E202, colour: E133. Contains 50.1% blueberry puree and pieces. DIGESTIVE CRUMBL:Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), sugar, invert sugar syrup, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate. Soya, Milk Gluten  Tall 280 13 10     170 36 1 34 5
Grande 400 15 12 0 10 280 62 1 59 4
Venti  500 17 12     340 78 2 74 9
Blueberry cheesecake Frappuccino - Coconut  Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK: water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418) .FRAPPUCCINO SYRUP CREME:water, sugar, cream flavouring, salt, thickner(E415), preservatives (E202), acidity regulator (E330) .WHIPPING CREAM : water, fully hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils, oils(sunflower)), sugar,stabilizers (E420ii, E463), milk proteins, emulsifiers(E472e, E322 sunflower lecithin), salt, flavourings, colour (160 a). BLUEBERRY FRUIT MIX: Sugar, blueberry pieces, blueberry puree, natural flavouring, acid: citric acid, black carrot concentrate, thickener: pectin, preservative: E202, colour: E133. Contains 50.1% blueberry puree and pieces. DIGESTIVE CRUMBLE:   Wheat flour [WHEAT flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin], vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), sugar, invert sugar syrup, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate. Soya, Milk Gluten  Tall 280 12 10     190 39 1 37 3
Grande 390                  
Venti  500 16 13     370 83 1 80 5
Strawberry & Lime  Ingredients:Strawberry and Lime: Water, strawberries (22 %), sugar, concentrated lime juice (4 %), thickener: xanthan gum, natural flavourings, salt, colouring food (concentrate of elderberry and blackcurrant), acidity regulator: citric acid, preservative: potassium sorbate, anti-foaming agent: mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids. Sugar cane syrup: pure cane sugar, water. Black tea  NA  Tall 170 0 0 0 0 90 43 1 39 0
Grande 280 0 0 0 0 140 69 2 63 0
Venti  340 0 0 0 0 160 83 2 76 0
Tropical Pineapple & Mango  Ingredients:Mango and Pineapple:Water, mango puree (28 %), sugar, concentrated lime juice (4 %), thickener: xanthan gum, colouring food (concentrate of safflower and lemon), natural flavourings, salt, acidity regulator: citric acid, preservative: potassium sorbate, anti-foaming agent: mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids.Sugar cane syrup: pure cane sugar, water. Black tea  NA  Tall 190 0 0 0 0 90 49 1 37 0
Grande 310 0 0 0 0 140 79 2 61 0
Venti  370 0 0 0 0 160 93 2 73 0
Salted Caramel Latte - Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT Milk Tall 280 9 6 0 0 190 42 0 35 8
Grande 340 11 7 0 0 230 50 0 42 11
Venti  440 14 9 0 0 300 64 1 54 14
Salted Caramel Latte - Skimmed Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT Milk Tall 220 2 1.5 0 0 190 42 0 35 9
Grande 270 2 2 0 0 230 51 0 42 12
Venti  340 3 2.5 0 0 300 65 1 54 15
Salted Caramel Latte - Almond  Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT Milk, Almond  Tall 190 3.5 1 0 0 190 38 1 30 2
Grande 230 4.5 1 0 0 230 45 1 36 2
Venti  290 6 1.5 0 0 300 58 1 46 3
Salted Caramel Latte - Soya Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK:hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT Soya, Milk Tall 210 5 1.5 0 0 85 32 2 23 9
Grande 250 7 2 0 0 105 38 2 27 11
Venti  320 9 2.5 0 0 135 48 3 34 15
Salted Caramel Latte - Coconut Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT Soya, Milk Tall 210 4.5 2.5 0 0 135 38 1 31 4
Grande 260 5 3 0 0 170 46 1 37 6
Venti  330 7 4 0 0 220 59 1 48 7
Iced Salted Caramel Latte - Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT. ICE. Milk Tall 220 6 4 0 0 140 33 0 27 6
Grande 270 8 5 0 0 180 40 0 33 8
Venti  290 9 6 0 0 200 43 0 36 9
Iced Salted Caramel Latte - Skimmed Milk  Ingredients:Milk:  Fresh Cow’s Milk, Vitamin D3. BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT. Ice  Milk Tall 170 1.5 1 0 0 140 33 0 28 7
Grande 210 1.5 1.5 0 0 180 40 0 33 9
Venti  230 2 1.5 0 0 190 44 0 36 10
Iced Salted Caramel Latte - Almond  Milk  Ingredients: Almond Milk: almond, fructose, acidity regulators (E340) Calcium (Calcium carbonate),stabilisers (E418, E407, E412), natural flavourings, sea salt . BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT. Ice. Milk, Almond  Tall 150 2.5 1 0 0 140 30 1 24 1
Iced Salted Caramel Latte - Soya Milk  Ingredients: SOYA MILK:hulled soya beans , acidity regulators ((E340 (i), E340(ii)), calcium (calcium carbonate),maltodextrin, stabiliser (E418), vitamins (riboflavin (B2), B12, D2) . BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT. Ice Soya, Milk Tall 160 4 1 0 0 70 25 1 18 7
Grande 200 5 1.5 0 0 80 30 2 22 9
Venti  220 5 1.5 0 0 90 33 2 24 9
Iced Salted Caramel Latte - Coconut Milk  Ingredients: COCONUT MILK:water, coconut milk, hulled soya beans , sugar, fructose, acidity regulators [E340 (i), E340(ii)],calcium carbonate, sea salt, flavouring, stabiliser (E418). BREWED ESPRESSO.CARAMEL DRIZZEL: Purified Water, Natural Cow’s milk dried, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter fat, Stabilizer (E407, E407a), Calcium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Salt, Caramel Flavour (N & NI). SALT. Ice Soya, Milk Tall 160 3 2 0 0 105 30 1 24 3
Grande 200 4 2.5 0 0 130 37 1 30 4
Venti  220 4.5 2.5 0 0 140 40 1 32 5
Food Allergen and Ingredient Information - UAE Only
تحتوي بعض الأطباق والمأكولات والمشروبات لدينا على مكونات قد تسبب الحساسية مثل الغلوتين، المأكولات البحرية "مثل الروبيان والقبقب والسرطان وغيرها من القشريات"، البيض، السمك، الفول السوداني، فول الصويا، المكسرات، الحليب، الكبريت، الكرفس، الخردل، السمسم، المأكولات البحرية "مثل المحار وغيرها من الرخويات"، والترمس. لقد قمنا بتحليل وصفات الطعام التي نستخدمها في مطاعمنا مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار كافة الاحتمالات المتعلقة باختلاط أو مزج المكونات المستخدمة أثناء عمليات التحضير المختلفة، كما قمنا بالتصريح عن معلومات الحساسية الخاصة بكل صنف من المأكولات باستخدام مفهومين رئيسيين وهما "يحتوي على" أو "قد يحتوي على" كما هو مذكور في الجدول أدناه. بكافة الأحوال، يرجى العلم بأننا لا نستطيع التأكيد بأن المأكولات أو المشروبات لدينا هي "خالية تماماً من المكونات المسببة للحساسية".
لذلك حرصاً على صحتكم يرجى إبلاغ مدير المطعم عن أي حساسية للطعام لديكم أو لدى أي شخص برفقتكم قبل الطلب. يرجى العلم بأننا لا نتحمل أي مسؤولية قانونية تجاه أية مخاطر قد تحدث نتيجة تناول الأطعمة المسببة للحساسية من قبلكم.
كافة المعلومات المذكورة في هذا الكتيب ليست للنشر ويمكن الاطلاع عليها داخل المطعم فقط. كافة المعلومات المذكورة في هذا الكتيب ملكاً لمجموعة الشايع والعلامات التجارية التابعة لها. جميع الحقوق محفوظة وفقاً لقوانين وحقوق النشر.

Some foods and beverages contain allergens such as gluten, crustaceans, egg, fish, peanuts, soybeans, nuts, milk, sulphites, celery, mustard, sesame, clams and lupin.  We have analyzed our recipes taking into consideration all possibilities of cross-contamination in our restaurants, and declared the allergen
information as "Contains" or "May Contain" as shown below. However, we cannot be certain that any of our foods or beverages are "completely allergen free". It is thus your responsibility as our esteemed guest to notify a manager if you or any of your party have any food allergies or intolerances before
placing your order so that we can minimize any risks.  We exclude liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.
This document is not intended for general distribution but is available to view in the restaurant. Information regarding allergen information provided in this document is the sole property of Alshaya Group and its brand partners. As such, this document and the information contained in it are protected by copyright infringement laws.
Product Ingredient Declaration  Allergens  Calories  Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g)  Trans Fat (g) Carbohydrate (g) Sugar (g) Fiber (g) Protein (g) Sodium (mg)
Arabian Halloumi  INGREDIENTS: CIABATTA: white flour [wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid], water, pane luciane mix [wheat gluten, stabilizer (E412), emulsifier (E322-soya), acidity regulator (E450), flour treatment agent (E300)], herbs mix, full cream yoghurt, rice flour, glucose, yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)], egg wash, zaatar [sesame]. HALLOUMI CHEESE: fresh cow's, goat's & sheep's milk, non animal rennet. ROASTED TOMATO: tomato, herbs mix [salt (anticaking agent E535)]. OLIVE PASTE: black olives [colour (E579)], olive oil, black pepper powder. MINT. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya, Sesame. 610 21.8 17.4 0 74.12 2.2 2.2 28.3 0
Halloumi Kashkawane wrap  INGREDIENTS:TORTILLA WRAP: enriched bleached flour [wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate, color (E101), folic acid), water, vegetable shortening [palm oil, soybean oil, emulsifiers (E471, E472e-plant, E435)], antioxidant (E319), acidity regulators (E330, E521, E341), salt, raising agents (E500ii, E541), preservatives (E282, E202, E223-sulphite), stabiliser (E297), rice flour, corn starch, firming agent (E516), thickening agent (E412), enzymes, natural and artificial butter flavours. HALLOUMI CHEESE: blend of fresh cow's, sheep's and goat's milk, non animal rennet. KASHKAWANE CHEESE: milk, acidity regulator (E509), preservative (E234), microbial rennet, culture. TOMATO. ZAATAR MIX: thyme, roasted sesame, roasted wheat, spices, sumac, sunflower oil, olive oil. BLACK OLIVES: black olives, colour (E579). MAYONNAISE: pasteurized egg yolk, modified maize starch, thickening agent (E415), vinegar, sugar, natural mustard flavour, preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), lemon juice concentrate, antioxidant (E385). Gluten, Sulphite, Milk, Sesame, Soya, Egg, Mustard 888 34.9 22.2 0.0 104.6 6.3 3.2 41.2 1363.1
Breakfast Muffin INGREDIENTS: LEVAIN ENGLISH MUFFIN DOUGH: white flour [ wheat flour fortufued with iron and folic acid], water, wheat levain [ salt (anticaking agent ( E535), corn oil[ antioxidant ( E319), bread improver [ anticaking agent ( E170), emulsifier ( E472 e- plant), antioxidant ( E300), yeast [ emulsifier ( E491- plant ), milk powder [ emulsifier ( E322 - soya)]. EGG WHITE PATTY: egg white mix [ stabilizer ( E412, E1505)}, full cream milk, white pepper powder, sugared egg yolk. TURKEY HAM: turkey thigh meat, dextrose, preservatives ( E326, E250, E262ii), acidity regulator ( E339), antioxidant ( E316). HERBS ROASTED TOMATO: tomato, herbs olive mix. WHITE CHEDDAR: pasteurised cow's milk, lactic culture, vegeterian rennet. UNSALTED BUTTER.  Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya  489 25.6 3.5 0.0 39.6 2.3 2.3 28.0 0.0
Four Cheese Sandwich INGREDIENTS: MEDITERRANEAN FOCACCIA: white flour [wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid], water, tomato snack, olive oil, yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)], basil, salt [anticaking agent (E535)], bread improver [anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e-plant), antioxidant (E300)], oregano, garlic powder, black pepper powder], egg wash. CHEESE MIX: red leicester cheese [pasteurized cow's milk, colour (E160b), microbial rennet, starter culture], mozzarella cheese [milk solids, palm oil, acidity regulator (E330), preservatives (E202, E234)], feta cheese [acidity regulator (E575)], spring onion. ROASTED TOMATO: tomato, herbs mix. CHEDDAR CHEESE: lactic culture, vegetarian rennet. MAYONNAISE: refined soybean oil, pasteurized egg yolk, modified maize starch, vinegar, sugar, natural mustard flavour, thickening agent (E415), preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), lemon juice concentrate, antioxidant (E385). PARMESAN CHEESE: calf rennet, preservative (E1105-egg). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Egg, Mustard  605 35.8 17.9 2.2 51.5 2.2 2.2 24.6 0.0
Turkey Cheese Brown Loaf  INGREDIENTS:  BROWN LOAF WITH OATS: brown loaf dough [wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, grain seed mix (wheat flour, sunflower seeds, coarse ground rye, linseeds, coarse ground soya,wheat bran, wheat gluten (vegetable source), rye sour dough - dried, salt, malted rye flour, soya bran,malted barley flour, malted barley extract, flour improver: enzymes), corn oil [antioxidants (E320, E321)], white sugar, milk powder, yeast [emulsifier (E491)], bread improver [anti- caking agent (calcium carbonate), emulsifier (mono and diacetyl), tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides of fatty acids (palm), wheat flour, dextrose, anti oxidant (E300), ascorbic acid, enzymes (amylase,xylanase from microbial fermentation], salt [anticaking agent (E535)]], oat flakes, pan coating [emulsifier (E322), thickener (E903)]. SMOKED TURKEY BREAST: turkey breast, mixed spices. EMMENTAL CHEESE: cow's milk, lactic ferments, coagulant. ROMAINE LETTUCE. LIGHT MAYONNAISE & MUSTARD: mayonnaise [soya bean oil, thickening agents (E1401, E415), pasteurized egg yolk, vinegar, natural mustard flavour, acidity regulator (E270), preservative (E200), lemon juice concentrate, antioxidant (E385)], Dijon mustard [mustard seeds, preservative (E222-sulphite). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Egg, Mustard , Sulphite  462 14.7 4.2 0 44.1 4.2 2.1 39.9 _
Chicken BLT INGREDIENTS: CHICKEN AND BEEF BACON MIX: baked chicken [chicken breast, olive oil, lemon juice concentrate (preservative E211, E223- sulphite), salt (anticaking agent E504, E535)] garlic, pepper], beef bacon [stabilizer (E407, E452), preservative (E250), antioxidant (E300)]. BROWN SEEDED LOAF: brown loaf dough [wheat flour, water, bread improver [soya, wheat gluten, enzymes], corn oil [antioxidants (E319)] , sugar, milk powder (emulsifier E322- soya), yeast [emulsifier (E491)], flour improver [anticaking agent (E170 ), emulsifier (E472e), antioxidant (E300)],oat flakes, pan coating [thickener (E903)]. TARRAGON PEPPER MAYO SAUCE: mayonnaise [soybean oil, pasteurized egg yolk, thickener (modified maize starch), natural mustard flavour, stabilizer (E415), preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), anti-oxidant (E385)], tarragon, black pepper. TOMATO.  LOLLO BIONDO LETTUCE. Gluten, Soya, Milk, Egg, Mustard, Sulphite. 480 27 4.5 0 39.0 5.0 3.0 21.0 840.0
Breakfast Pita Pocket  INGREDIENTS: EGG WHITE PATTY: egg white [stabilizers (E412, E1505)], full cream milk, salt [anti caking agent (E535)], white pepper powder. PITA BREAD: wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, extra virgin olive oil, bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e-plant), antioxidant (E300)], chocolate food colour [humectant (1520), food colouring (E155, E133)], thermally treated rye, yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)]. SAUTEED SPINACH: spinach, black pepper powder. CREAM CHEESE ZAATAR SPREAD: cream cheese [pasteurised milk, cream, salt, stabiliser (E410)], zaatar [sesame], cajun spice [flavour enhancer (E621), acidity regulator (E330), soya, anti caking agent (E551), food colouring (E160c)], black pepper coarse. CHEDDAR CHEESE: pasteurized cow's milk, lactic culture, vegetarian rennet. ARUGULA Gluten,Egg, Milk, Sesame, Soya 340 11.9 3.4 0 35.7 3.4 1.7 18.7 _
Spicy Sriracha  Chicken Protein Roll   INGREDIENTS: BROWN BREAD: wheat flour, water, bread premix [sunflower seeds, coarse ground rye, linseeds, coarse ground soya, edible wheat bran, wheat gluten, dried rye sourdough, malted rye flour, edible soya bran, malted barley flour, malted barley extract, flour improver, enzymes], olive oil, yeast, bread improver [dextrose, anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), vegetable oil (rapeseed), antioxidant (E300)], bread colorant [thermally treated barley, humectant (E1520), colours (E155, E133)]. MILD SRIRACHA CHICKEN MIX: sriracha chicken [chicken breast [stabilizers (E451, E452i)], sriracha hot chili sauce [preservative (E202, E222-sulphite), thickening agent (E415)], lemon juice concentrate [preservative (E211, E223-sulphite)], garlic, turmeric powder, coriander, onion powder, salt [anticaking agents (E504, E535)], white pepper powder], mayonnaise [refined soybean oil, pasteurized egg yolk, vinegar, sugar, natural mustard flavour, thickening agent (E1401), preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), antioxidant (E385)], herbs roasted yellow & red pepper. YELLOW CHEDDAR CHEESE: pasteurized cow's milk, vegetarian rennet, starter culture, colour (E160b). HERBS ROASTED TOMATO: tomato, extra virgin olive oil. WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE: pasteurized cow’s milk, starter culture, microbial rennet. ROMAINE LETTUCE. SRIRACHA MAYO. SEMOLINA. Gluten, Soya, Sulphite, Egg, Mustard, Milk. 711 29.1 12.9 0.0 71.1 9.7 6.5 45.2 2164.1
Labneh Sandwich  INGREDIENTS: LABNEH: full fat pasteurised cow's milk, milk salt, starter. BROWN LOAF WITH OATS: brown loaf dough [flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), water, komplet Kraft bread [soy], corn oil [antioxidants (E320, E321)], white sugar, milk powder, yeast [emulsifier (E491 - plant)], salt [anticaking agent (E535)], bread improver [anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e - plant), antioxidant (E300)]]. CUCUMBER. BLACK OLIVES: black olives, water, colour (E579). MINT Gluten, Milk,  Soya 407 19.4 13.6 0.0 48.5 1.9 11.6 11.6 582.0
Mediterranean Tuna Sandwich INGREDIENTS: MEDITERRANEAN TUNA MIX: tuna (white tuna, salt water), mayonnaise [whole eggs, natural paprika flavour], corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], sundried tomatoes [antioxidant (E300), acidity regulator (E330)], black olives [colour (E579)], red onion, lemon juice concentrate [preservative (E211, E223-sulphite)], basil, parsley, salt [anti caking agent (E504, E535)], crushed peppercorn. BROWN CAMPAIGN BREAD: brown campaign dough [premium wheat flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), water, pane lucciane mix [Wheat flour; Iodised salt,; dried wheat sourdough; wheat gluten; Stabilizer: Guar gum (E412); Vegetable oils: (Extra virgin olive oil, Palm); Dextrose; Emulsifier: Lecithin (E322); Acidity regulator: Diphosphates (E450); Herbs; Malted barley flour, flour treatment agent: Ascorbic acid (E300); Enzymes ; Spice],yoghurt [fresh full fat cow's milk, milk solids, thickening agent (E440), yoghurt cultures, fortified with vitamin (D3)glucose,bread darkener, yeast [ emulsifier (E491)], gluten pure wheat], pancoating [emulsifier (E322), thickener (E903)]. MAYONNAISE: refined soybean oil, water, pasteurized egg yolk, modified maize starch, vinegar, sugar, salt, natural mustard flavour, thickening agent (E415), preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), antioxidant (E385). ROCKET LEAVES. Fish, Soya, Egg, Sulphite, Gluten, Milk, Mustard 464 20.9 7.0 0.0 51.0 2.3 7.0 25.5 997.6
Egg & Mayo Spinach Wrap INGREDIENTS: EGG SALAD MIX: egg, mayonnaise [soyabean oil, water, egg yolks, sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, natural mustard and paprika flavors, antioxidant (E385)], dijon mustard [mustard seeds, preservative (E222-sulphite)], spring onion, salt [anticaking agent (E504, E535)], chives, black pepper powder. SPINACH TORTILLA: wheat flour, spinach powder, vegetable shortening, stabilizer (E412, E466), acidulant (E297), emulsifier (E471), preservative (E282, E202). CUCUMBER. ARUGULA. BABY SPINACH.  Egg, Soya, Mustard, Sulphite, Gluten 660 44.0 7.0 0.0 48.0 1.0 2.0 21.0 1190.0
Halloumi & Avocado Muffin INGREDIENTS: BROWN MUFFIN: wheat flour, water, wheat levain [levain starter], bread improver [dextrose, anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), vegetable oil (rapeseed), antioxidant (E300), enzymes], yeast, milk powder, flour darkener [malt flour, malted barley, gluten, roasted wheat gluten], semolina flour. HALLOUMI CHEESE: blend of cow, sheep and goat's milk, non animal rennet. AVOCADO EDAMAME PESTO MIX: avocado [acidity regulator (E330)], edamame peeled, pesto sauce mix, salt [anticaking agent (E504, E535)]. ARRABIATA SAUCE: tomato peeled, olive oil, sugar, red onion, ketchup [thickener (E1422/E1414), acidifier (E260), stabilizer (E415, E412), antioxidant (E392)], tomato paste, garlic, oregano dry, red chili flakes, black pepper powder. BABY SPINACH. Gluten, Milk, Soya. 530 33.0 16.0 0.0 37.0 2.0 2.0 25.0 500.0
Vegan Wrap INGREDIENTS: TOMATO TORTILLA: wheat flour, water, tomato powder, tomato juice, vegetable shortening, stabilizer (E412, E466), acidulant (E297), emulsifier (E471 - plant), preservative (E282, E202). BLACK BEANS & CORN SALSA: black beans, sweetcorn, herbs mix [raising agent: E500 (ii)], nuts, dijon mustard [preservative (E222-sulphite)], salt [anticaking agent (E504, E535)]], red capsicum, coriander. HUMMUS PESTO MIX: hummus [chickpeas, tahina (sesame), corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], lemon salt, garlic, cumin powder], pesto sauce mix. TOMATO. BABY SPINACH. CORN STARCH AND WATER MIX.  Gluten, Nuts, Mustard, Sulphite, Sesame. 570 28.0 2.5 0.0 70.0 3.0 5.0 15.0 950.0
Chicken Avocado Protein Wrap  INGREDIENTS: SPINACH TORTILLA: wheat flour, water, spinach powder, vegetable shortening, stabilizer (E412, E466), acidulant (E297), emulsifier (E471), preservative (E282, E202). GARLIC PARSLEY CHICKEN: chicken breast [stabilizer (E451, E452i)], garlic puree [antioxidant (E319)], parsley, salt [anticaking agent (E504, E535)]. AVOCADO EDAMAME PESTO MIX: avocado [antioxidant (E300), acidity regulator (E330)], edamame peeled, pesto sauce mix. LABNEH: pasteurized cow's milk, milk fat, microbial culture. BABY SPINACH. ARUGULA. MAYONNAISE: soybean oil, pasteurized egg yolk, thickener (modified maize starch), vinegar, sugar, natural mustard flavour, stabilizer (E415), preservative (E200), acidity regulator (E270), lemon juice concentrate, antioxidant (E385). Gluten, Soya, Milk, Egg, Mustard. 460 19.0 3.5 0.0 49.0 2.0 1.0 23.0 700.0
Beef Pastrami  Multigrain Brown Loaf INGREDIENTS: MULTISEED BROWN BREAD: wheat flour, water, sugar, yeast, salt, butter, flour darkener [malt flour, malted barley, gluten, roasted wheat gluten), chocolate color [solvent (E1520), color (E155, E133)], molasses, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, brown linen seeds, milk powder, bread improver [dextrose, anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), vegetable oil (rapeseed), antioxidant (E300), enzymes]. BEEF PASTRAMI: beef meat, starch, soya protein, black pepper, spice mix (cumin, cardamom), emulsifier (E450i), preservative (E250), antioxidant (E301). MAYONNAISE & MUSTARD MIX: light mayonnaise [soybean oil, thickener (modified maize starch), pasteurized egg yolk, vinegar, stabilizer (E415), natural mustard flavour, acidity regulator (E270), preservative (E200), lemon juice concentrate, antioxidant (E385)], dijon mustard [mustard seeds, preservative (E222-sulphite)]. TOMATO. ARUGULA. PICKLED CUCUMBER: cucumber, distilled white vinegar, food color (E509), natural flavor, emulsifier (E433), turmeric oleoresin. Gluten, Milk, Sesame, Soya, Egg, Mustard, Sulphite. 340 16.0 3.5 0.0 37.0 6.0 3.0 16.0 980.0
Salads & Pots
Light Labneh Dip & Zaatar Crackers  INGREDIENTS: LIGHT LABNEH: pasteurized skimmed cow's milk, milk fat, microbial culture, stabiliser (E400). MULTIGRAIN ZAATAR CRACKER: flour [fortified wheat flour with iron and folic acid], full cream milk [fresh cow's milk, vitamins A,D3], unsalted butter, zaatar powder, multicereal mix [soya, acidity regulators (E260, E270, E330), emulsifier (E472e, E322-plant), stabiliser (E412), flour improver (E300)], oats, white sugar, flax seeds, white sesame seeds. OLIVE OIL: refined olive pomace oil, extra virgin olive oil. SALT: anticaking agents (E504, E535). Milk, Gluten, Sesame, Soya. 314 15.68 6.72 0 33.6 7.84 2.24 11.2 772.8
Zaatar Sticks with labneh INGREDIENTS: ZAATAR STICKS: wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), unsalted butter, water, zaatar (roasted wheat, roasted sesame), salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)]. LABNEH: full cream pasteurized cow's milk, milk fat, microbial culture. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Gluten, Milk, Sesame. 750 53 31 2 56 4 2 12 680
Feta Lentil & Grilled Vegetable Salad  INGREDIENTS: LENTILS BROWN RICE MIX: green lentil, brown rice, red bell pepper, tomato, parsley, balsamic vinegar [colour (E150d-sulphite)], concentrated lemon juice [preservative (E211, E223-sulphite)], olive oil, spring onion, salt [anticaking agents (E504, E535)], mint, paprika. ROMAINE LETTUCE. ROASTED EGGPLANT: eggplant, herbs olive oil mix. CHERRY TOMATO. ROASTED GREEN COURGETTE. POMEGRANATE AND SUMAC DRESSING: pomegranate molasses [acidity regulator (E330)], sumac, white sugar. ARUGULA. FETA CHEESE: pasteurized skimmed cow's milk, palm oil, acidity regulator (E575), microbial rennet. POMEGRANATE. PARSLEY. CHIVES. Milk, Sulphite  227 6.5 4.875 0 35.75 0 0 6.5 7312.5
Chicken & Kale Caesar Salad  INGREDIENTS: ROMAINE LETTUCE. BAKED GARLIC & THYME CHICKEN: chicken breast [stabilizer (E451, E452i), dextrose], garlic, olive oil, concentrated lemon juice [preservative (E211, E223-sulphite)], thyme, salt [anticaking agents (E504, E535)], black pepper powder. CAESAR DRESSING: light labneh [pasteurized skimmed fresh cow's milk, microbial culture, stabilizer (E400)], water, whipping cream [stabilizing agent (E407)], parmesan cheese. BROWN CROUTONS: brown loaf dough [gluten, soya, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], milk powder [emulsifier (E322-soya)], [emulsifier (E491-plant)], anticaking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e-plant), antioxidant (E300)], oregano, garlic powder. PARMESAN CHEESE: milk, calf rennet, preservative (E1105-egg). KALE. Sulphite, Milk, Egg, Gluten, Soya. 305 16.2 12.2 2.0 14.2 2.0 0.0 26.4 629.3
Chia Strawberry Pot  INGREDIENTS: FULL CREAM YOGHURT: reconstitute milk, fat, culture. STRAWBERRY. HONEY: corn syrup, honey, nature identical honey flavour. CHIA SEEDS. Milk  148 5.55 2.775 0 24.05 14.8 7.4 3.7 55.5
Mixed Berry Granola  INGREDIENTS: VANILLA YOGHURT MIX: full cream yoghurt [reconstituted pasteurized cow's milk, laban starter culture, milk fat], vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)]. GRANOLA MIX: oats, honey, cranberry dry, raisins, [preservative E220 -sulphur dioxide], pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, desiccated coconut, unsalted butter (cream), cinnamon powder, vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)], salt [anti caking agent (E504, E535)]. MIXED BERRIES PUREE: strawberry filling [strawberries, sugar, water, thickening agent (E1401), natural flavour, acidity regulator (E330), preservative (E202, E211), salt agar, colour (E129, E102)], strawberry puree (strawberry, sugar syrup, corn flour), blueberry, blackberry, raspberry. Milk, Sulphite , Gluten  406 11.6 5.8 0 66.7 55.1 2.9 11.6 174
Croissant & Danishes
Turkey& Cheese Croissant  INREDIENTS: PLAIN CROISSANT: mimetic croissant dough [premium wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, fermented flour margarine (vegetable oils 80 % (palm 80%), rapeseed (20%)), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [palm]), artificial flavoring (butter), antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract, ascorbyl palmitate), preservative (E202), acid (E330), colour (beta carotene), fermented wheat flour),milk powder (E322-soya), salt (anti caking agent (E535)), yeast (emulsifier (E491-plant)), bread improver (anti-caking agent (E170)), emulsifier (E472e -plant), anti-oxidant (E300), butter sheet], egg wash (sugared egg yolk, egg whole). THREE CHEESE & MUSHROOM: three cheese mix [cheddar cheese (lactic culture and vegetarian rennet), kashkawane cheese [milk, acidity regulator (E509), preservative (E234), microbial rennet, culture], halloumi cheese (blend of fresh cow's & sheep's milk, non animal rennet)], cooked mushroom (button mushroom, extra virgin olive oil, black pepper powder). SMOKED TURKEY BREAST: halal turkey breast, curafos, potato starch, poultry star, cure mix, sugar, fresh cell water, salt: E325, E469. Gluten, Milk, Soya, Egg. 486 25.92 12.96 0 38.88 8.1 3.24 29.16 8.1
Plain croissant INGREDIENTS: BUTTER CROISSANT DOUGH LAMINATION: butter croissant dough [wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, butter (cream), milk powder (E322 - soya), yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)], salt [anticaking agent (E535)], bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e-plant), anti-oxidant (E300), pure wheat gluten], butter sheet (pasteurized cow's milk, lactic ferments). EGG WASH: sugared egg yolk, egg whole. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya  420 22 16 0 47 _ 0 9 370
Cheese croissant INGREDIENTS:PLAIN CROISSANT: mimetic croissant dough [premium wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, fermented flour margarine (vegetable oils 80 % (palm 80%), rapeseed (20%)), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [palm]), artificial flavouring (butter), antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract, ascorbyl palmitate), preservative (E202), acid (E330), colour (beta carotene), fermented wheat flour), milk powder (E322-soya), salt (anti caking agent (E535)), yeast (emulsifier (E491-plant)), bread improver (anti-caking agent (E170)), emulsifier (E472e -plant), anti-oxidant (E300), butter sheet], egg wash (sugared egg yolk, egg whole). THREE CHEESE MIX: cheddar cheese (lactic culture and vegetarian rennet), kashkawane cheese [milk, acidity regulator (E509), preservative (E234), microbial rennet, culture], halloumi cheese (blend of fresh cow's & sheep's milk, non animal rennet). MOZZARELLA CHEESE: milk solids, palm oil, citric acid, permitted preservatives (E202). BECHAMEL SAUCE: long life full cream milk, salt [anti caking agent (E504, E535)], white pepper powder. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya 584 33.6 16.1 0.0 58.4 11.7 2.9 14.6 438.0
Zaatar & Parmesan Roll INGREDIENTS:  ZAATAR CHEESE SHEET: soft dough [wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, milk powder (E322-soya), egg whole, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], gluten pure wheat, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)] bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), anti-oxidant (E300)], yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)]], cheddar cheese (pasteurized cow's milk, lactic culture and vegetarian rennet), zaatar mix (extra virgin olive oil, zaatar [thyme, roasted wheat, spices, sun flower oil, sumac, roasted sesame)]. PARMESAN CHEESE: milk, preservative (E1105-egg). SESAME SEEDS. EGG WASH: long life full cream milk, egg yolk. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya, Sesame 403 17.9 5.6 0.0 56.0 30.2 2.2 4.5 67.2
Chocolate Croissant  INGREDIENTS: PAN AU CHOCOLAT: laminated mimetic croissant dough [mimetic croissant dough [premium wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, fermented flour margarine [vegetable oils 80 % (palm 80%), rapeseed (20%)), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [palm]), artificial flavouring (butter), antioxidant (tocopherol-rich extract, ascorbyl palmitate), preservative (E202), acid (E330), colour (beta carotene), fermented wheat flour] milk powder (E322-soya), salt [anti caking agent (E535)], bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e -plant), anti-oxidant (E300)], yeast {emulsifier (E491-plant)], chocolate sticks [vegetable fat, cocoa powder, emulsifier (E322), vanillin], egg wash (sugared egg yolk, egg whole). DARK CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE: cocoa butter. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya 482 NA 
Turkey & Cheese Pretzel (SUPREME) INGREDIENTS: PRETZEL DOUGH: all purpose flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, milk powder [cow's milk, E322-soya, emulsifier (mustahalab)], egg whole, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], pure wheat gluten, bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), anti-oxidant (E300)], yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)]. CHEESE & HERB MIX: cheese and cream mix [cream cheese [pasteurised milk and cream, stabilisers (E410, E412)], whipping cream [stabilizing agent (E407)], chives, thyme], chicken sauce mix [mayonnaise real [soya bean oil, egg yolks, vinegar, lemon juice, anti-oxidant (E385), natural mustard and paprika flavors], yoghurt [fresh full fat cow's milk, milk solids, thickening agent (E440), yoghurt cultures], parsley, lemon, black pepper powder], mozzarella cheese [palm oil, citric acid, permitted preservatives (E202, E234) and microbial rennet]. TURKEY HAM: turkey thigh, potato starch, thickener (E407), stabilizer (E451), white pepper, sodium nitrate (E250), turkey flavor (malto dextrin, glucose, celery), smoke flavor, antioxidant (E300). PARMESAN CHEESE: preservative (E1105-egg). FOCCACIA TOPPING: tomato snack [flavouring (wheat, soya), emulsifier E471 (mono- and diglyceride of fatty acid), whole wheat flour, wheat fibre, enzyme (wheat)], oregano, garlic powder. DRY PARSLEY. GLAZE: milk protein, skimmed milk powder, modified starch, stabilizer (acidity regulator (disodium phosphate (E339ii)), colour (plant carotenes (E160a(ii)). Gluten, Milk, Soya, Egg, Celery, Mustard. 291 13 5 0 30 4 2 14 980
Spinach & Feta Pretzel (SUPREME) INGREDIENTS: PRETZEL DOUGH: all purpose flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, milk powder [cow's milk, E322-soya, emulsifier (mustahalab)], egg whole, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], pure wheat gluten, bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), anti-oxidant (E300)], yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)]. SPINACH & CHEESE MIX: cream cheese [pasteurised milk and cream, stabilisers (E410, E412)], sautéed spinach, feta cheese [pasteurized skimmed cow's milk, acidity regulator (E575)]. PARMESAN CHEESE: preservative (E1105-egg). ONION SEEDS. GLAZE: milk protein, skimmed milk powder, modified starch, emulsifier (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471), stabilizer (carrageenan (E407)), acidity regulator (disodium phosphate (E339ii)), colour (plant carotenes (E160a(ii)). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Egg 334 16 6 0 34 4 1 13 1000
Mozzarella Tomato Pesto Pretzel INGREDIENTS: PRETZEL DOUGH: all purpose flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), water, white sugar, milk powder [cow's milk, E322-soya, emulsifier (Mustahalab)], egg whole, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], pure wheat gluten, bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), anti-oxidant (E300)], yeast [emulsifier (E491-plant)]. CHEESE & PESTO FILLING: cheese mix [cream cheese [pasteurised milk, cream, salt, stabiliser (E410, E412)], parmesan cheese [milk, preservative (E1105-egg)]], mozzarella pesto mix [extra virgin olive oil, basil, unsalted butter, pine kernel, garlic, black pepper powder]. SESAME SEEDS. FLAX SEEDS. EGG WASH: long life full cream milk, sugared eggyolk. Milk, Gluten, Soya, Egg, Sesame 420 24 10 0 37 5 2 11 460
Profiterole Cake  INGREDIENTS: WHITE MOUSSE: whipping cream [cream, stabilizing agent (E407)], white chocolate standard [sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, emulsifier (E322-soya), natural vanilla], long life full cream milk (fresh cow's milk enriched with vitamins A & D), sugar syrup, gelatine mix. CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: dark chocolate couverture (cocoa mass), egg whole. CHOCOLATE GANACHE: glucose, unsalted butter. CHOCOLATE BROWNIE: white sugar, all purpose flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), canola oil, chocolate chip, cocoa powder, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], vanilla extract, baking powder [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch]. CREAM FROSTING: cream cheese [pasteurised milk, stabiliser (E410, E412)], icing sugar (corn starch), lemon, vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)]. PATE A CHOUX: water, milk powder. DARK CHOCOLATE CURLS: butter oil (milk). Milk, Gluten, Soya, Egg 590 42 25 0 46 32 3 7 130
Chocolate Bliss Cake INGREDIENTS: WHITE MOUSSE: whipping cream [cream, stabilizing agent (E407)], white chocolate standard [sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, emulsifier (E322-soya), natural vanilla], long life full cream milk (fresh cow's milk enriched with vitamins A & D), sugar syrup, gelatine mix. CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: dark chocolate couverture (cocoa mass), egg whole. CHOCOLATE GANACHE: glucose, unsalted butter. CHOCOLATE BROWNIE: white sugar, all purpose flour (wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid), canola oil, chocolate chip, cocoa powder, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], vanilla extract, baking powder [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch]. CREAM FROSTING: cream cheese [pasteurised milk, stabiliser (E410, E412)], icing sugar (corn starch), lemon, vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)]. PATE A CHOUX: water, milk powder. DARK CHOCOLATE CURLS: butter oil (milk). Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya 720 42.0 20.0 0.5 84.0 36.0 7.0 8.0 440.0
Victoria  Cake INGREDIENTS: VICTORIA CHOCOLATE MOUSSE: whipping cream [cream, stabilizing agent (E407)], egg whole, dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: soy lecithin (E322), natural vanilla flavouring], milk chocolate couverture [whole milk powder, water, white sugar, gelatine mix. VICTORIA WHITE MOUSSE: white chocolate standard. CHOCOLATE SPONGE: chocolate sponge mix [wheat flour, wheat starch, low fat cocoa powder, starch (potato, tapioca), raising agent E500 (sodium carbonates), E450 (diphosphates), E341 (calcium phosphates), emulsifier E472b (lactic and esters of fatty acids) (palm), glucose syrup (wheat, maize), skimmed milk powder, salt, oil (vegetable) (rapeseed), thickener E401 (sodium alginate)]. DARK CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE. CHOCOLATE SPRAY. FUDGE ROYAL TOPPING: non fat milk, stabilizer (E1442), raising acidity regulator (E500[ii]), preservative (E202), humectant (E1520), emulsifier E322 (derived from vegetable sources). PANCOATING SPRAY: emulsifier (thickening agent (E903), propellants (E943, E944)]. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya  442 29.04 11.9 0.0 34.3 25.1 1.3 7.9 0.0
Carrot & Walnut Cake INGREDIENTS: CARROT SPONGE: white sugar, carrot, wheat flour (fortified with iron and folic acid), whole egg, corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], coconut powder, golden raisins [preservative E220 -sulphur dioxide], baking soda [raising agent (E500)], cinnamon powder, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)]. CREAM CHEESE FROSTING: cream cheese [pasteurised milk and cream (from cow's milk), stabilisers (E410, E412)], unsalted butter, lemon. SUGAR SYRUP: white sugar, water. WALNUT. CARROT CONFIT. WHITE CHOCOLATE GANACHE: white chocolate standard [whole milk powder, emulsifier: E322-soya], whipping cream [stabilizing agent (E407)]. Gluten, Egg, Nuts, Milk, Sulphite, Soya. 817 45 18 1 99 73 3 9 510
Cookie Dough Cheese Cake INGREDIENTS:CHEESECAKE MIX: whipping cream [stabilizing agent (E407)], cream cheese [pasteurised milk, stabiliser (E410, E412)], sugar syrup, egg yolk, gelatin (beef) . BAKED CHEESE CAKE MIX: egg, white sugar, lemon, vanilla extract (colorings: E100, E160b). BISCUIT BASE: digestive biscuit [wheat flour, palm oil, whole wheat flour, wheat bran, artificial flavours (vanillin and butter), raising agents (E503(ii), E500(ii), skimmed milk powder, liquid glucose, emulsifiers (E322-soya, E471), malt extract, flour treatment agent (E223)], unsalted butter, brown sugar. CHOCO CHIP COOKIE DOUGH: chocolate chip, vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)], corn flour, baking soda, salt [anti caking agent (E504, E535)]. SPECULOOS BISCUIT: soy flour, baking powder. DARK CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE: cocoa butter. Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 730 52 35 1 56 40 2 10 400
Lazy Cake  INGREDIENTS: NUTELLA FUDGE LAZY CAKE MIX: digestive biscuit [wheat flour, palm oil, whole wheat flour, wheat bran, artificial flavours (vanillin and butter), raising agents (E503(ii), E500(ii),  skimmed milk powder, liquid glucose, salt, emulsifiers (E322-soya, E471), malt extract, flour treatment agent (meta bisulphite-E223)], whipping cream [cream (cow's milk), stabilizing agent (E407)], unsalted butter [pasteurised cream (from cow's milk), water], white sugar, dark chocolate couverture, chocolate nutella [vegetable fat (palm), hazelnuts, fat reduced cocoa powder, emulsifiers [lecithins (soy/ sunflower)], flavouring (natural identical vanillin)], long life full cream milk [fresh cow's milk enriched with vitamins A & D, fat and non-fat solids], cocoa powder. MILK CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE: cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, natural vanilla flavouring. Gluten, Sulphite , Milk, Soya, Nut . 550 38 23 0.5 56 42 2 10 400
Caramel Peanut Double Deck  PEANUT BUTTER STACK SLAB: peanut butter cream mix [vanilla pastry cream [long life full cream milk [fresh cow's milk fortified with vitamins A & D, fat and non-fat solids], custard powder [modified starch (E1414), sweet whey powder, skimmed milk powder, stabilisers (E516, E339, E450), lactose, milk proteins, emulsifiers (E472b, E 472a), glucose syrup, gelling agent (E407), colour (E160a)]], unsalted butter [pasteurised cream (from cow's milk), water], peanut butter [peanuts, icing sugar (corn starch), corn oil [antioxidant (E319)], salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)]], cream & sugar mix [whipping cream [stabilizing agent (E407)], quick dry fondant], choco fudge brownie mix [extra choco brownie season cake [wheat flour, sugar, wheat starch, modified starch (E1422), raising agent (E450, E500), emulsifier (E471), preservative (E202), thickener (E415), enzyme], egg whole], chocolate mousse [dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322 -soya), natural vanilla flavouring], egg whole, gelatine mix]. DELI CARAMEL: sweetened condensed skimmed milk, palm oil, natural flavouring (caramel), acidity regulator (E331iii), gelling agent (E440), acid (E334). CARAMEL SAUCE DRIZZLE: caramel sauce [natural cow's milk dried, butter fat, stabilizer (E407a), (E509), (E331), caramel flavour (N & NI)]. CARAMELIZED ROASTED PEANUTS TOPPING. CHOCOLATE STICKS. Milk,  Gluten, Nuts,Sulphite, Egg, Soya.  550 32 16 0.5 59 45 2 7 210
Raisin & Oatmeal Cookie  INGREDIENTS: OATMEAL COOKIE DOUGH: oats, unsalted butter cream, water], flour [wheat flour fortified with iron and folic acid ],brown sugar, white sugar, dry cranberry [cranberries, cane sugar, sunflower oil], black raisins, egg, vanilla essence [vanilla extracts, humectant (E1520), water], salt [salt (Nacl), anti caking agent (E535)], baking soda [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch], bread improver [wheat flour, dextrose, anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), refined vegetable oil, anti-oxidant (E300), enzymes], cinnamon powder. Gluten, Egg, Milk 387 13.5 7.2 0 63.9 34.2 2.7 5.4 13.5
Brownie Cookie  INGREDIENTS: TRIPLE CHOCOLATE COOKIE DOUGH: dark chocolate couverture [sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fat, fat reduced cocoa powder, stabiliser (E492), emulsifier (E322-soya, E476), natural identical flavour vanillin], white sugar, chocolate sticks [cocoa paste], egg, chocolate chips [sugar, vegetable fat, cocoa powder, dextrose, emulsifier (E322) vanillin],white chocolate [sugar, powder milk, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya), vanilla], flour, water, vanilla essence [vanilla extracts, humectant (E1520), water], baking powder [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch], coffee powder, salt [salt (Nacl), anti caking agent (E535)]. Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 405 16.2 6.3 0 64.8 37.8 2.7 4.5 85.5
Chocolate Chunk Cookie INGREDIENTS: CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIE DOUGH: flour [fortified wheat flour with iron and folic acid], dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya), vanilla extract, cocoa], brown sugar, unsalted butter [cream, water], white sugar, chocolate chips [ chocolate, cocoa processed with alkali, milk fat, milk], egg, vanilla essence [vanilla extracts, humectant (E1520), water],baking soda [raising agent (E500)], baking powder [raising agents (E450, E500), wheat starch], salt [salt (Nacl), anti caking agent (E535)], bread improver [wheat flour, dextrose, anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), refined vegetable oil, anti-oxidant (E300), enzymes]. Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 423 18.0 7.2 0.0 62.1 35.1 1.8 3.6 99.0
Mini Brownie Bites INGREDIENTS:  CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE MIX: white sugar, whole egg, all purpose flour [fortified with iron and folic acid], dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya), flavouring, cocoa solids: 63% minimum], milk chocolate couverture [whole milk powder], unsalted butter [pasteurized cream, water], canola oil, chocolate chips, cocoa powder, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], vanilla extract [colour (E160b, E100)], baking powder [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch]. Gluten, Milk, Egg, Soya. 614 36.0 10.5 _ 64.0 42.7 1.5 7.3 161.1
Mini Chocolate Chunk Cookie  INGREDIENTS: MILK CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIE DOUGH: all purpose flour [fortified with iron and folic acid], dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya), flavouring], brown sugar [cane sugar], unsalted butter [pasteurized cream, water], white sugar, choco chips [chocolate, cocoa, milk fat, natural flavor milk], whole egg, vanilla essence [humectant (E1520)], baking powder [raising agent (E450, E500), wheat starch], baking soda, salt [anti-caking agent (E504, E535)], bread improver [anti-caking agent (E170), emulsifier (E472e), anti-oxidant (E300)]. Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 699 30.2 11.4 _ 101.2 58.5 2.25 5.73 167.1
Double Chocolate Muffin  INGREDIENTS: DOUBLE CHOCOLATE MUFFIN: chocolate satin crème mix [sugar, wheat flour, fat reduced cocoa powder, refined rape seed oil, modified potato starch, whey powder, raising agent (E500ii, E450i), wheat gluten, salt, emulsifier (E472b-palm), (E471-palm), (E481-palm), stabiliser (E466, E415, E412), artificial flavouring vanilla], egg whole, corn oil [pure corn oil, vitamin A & D, antioxidant (E319)], water, dark chocolate couverture [cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya), vanillin flavour], full cream yoghurt, milk chocolate couverture [cocoa butter, emulsifier (E322-soya)], chocolate food colour [humectant (1520), food colouring (E155, E133)]. ROYAL FUDGE TOPPING: high fructose glucose syrup, glucose syrup, hydrogenated coconut oil, sugar, non fat milk, water, cocoa processed with alkali, modified starch (E 1442), salt, raising agents (E500, preservative (E202), emulsifier (E322), emulsifier (derived from vegetable source), humectant (E1520), anti-caking agent (E551), artificial vanillin flavour, acidity regulator (E330). DARK CHOCOLATE CURLS: cocoa butter, butter oil (milk), emulsifier (E322-soya). Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 615 NA 
Skinny Blueberry Muffin  INGREDIENTS: BLUEBERRY MUFFIN MIX: vanilla satin crème cake [sugar, wheat flour, modified starch, whey powder [milk], raising agent (E450, E500(ii)), salt, wheat gluten, emulsifier (E472, E471, E481), thickener (E466, E415, E412)],egg, corn oil [super olein, corn oil, antioxidant (E319)], water, blueberry. BLUEBERRY MUFFIN FILLING: blueberry filling [water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, blueberries, modified corn starch, apples, natural flavour, lemon juice, acidity regulator (E330), salt, preservative (E202), food colour (E129, E133)]. BLUEBERRY SYRUP: water, concentrated blueberry, lemon, raspberry, and elderberry juice, natural identical flavour (blueberry). BUTTER SPRAY: vegetable oil [rapeseed], propellant (E944, E943a), emulsifier (E322-soya). Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 448
Blueberry Muffin  INGREDIENTS: BLUEBERRY MUFFIN MIX: vanilla satin crème cake [sugar, wheat flour, modified starch, whey powder [milk], raising agent (E450, E500(ii)), salt, wheat gluten, emulsifier (E472, E471, E481), thickener (E466, E415, E412)],egg, corn oil [super olein, corn oil, antioxidant (E319)], water, blueberry. BLUEBERRY MUFFIN FILLING: blueberry filling [water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, blueberries, modified corn starch, apples, natural flavour, lemon juice, acidity regulator (E330), salt, preservative (E202), food colour (E129, E133)]. BLUEBERRY SYRUP: water, concentrated blueberry, lemon, raspberry, and elderberry juice, natural identical flavour (blueberry). BUTTER SPRAY: vegetable oil [rapeseed], propellant (E944, E943a), emulsifier (E322-soya). Gluten, Egg, Milk, Soya. 508
Chocolate Donut INGREDIENTS:DONUT BATTER: donut mix [wheat flour, oils-vegetable, dextrose, sugar, raising agents (E450, 5500), anti oxidant (E341), salt, emulsifiers (E471, E472e), wheat gluten, stabilizers (E412, E415, E461), flavour, flour improvers, enzymes (E300), colouring (E101)], water, yeast [emulsifier (E491)]. SHORTENING OIL: partially hydrogenated soybean oil with anti oxidant (E320, E321) & anti oxidant (E330), anti foaming agent (E900). DARK CHOCOLATE COMPOUND: sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fat, fat reduced cocoa powder, stabiliser (E492), emulsifier (E322-soya, E476), natural identical flavour vanillin.  Gluten, Soya, Milk   665 NA 
Glazed Donut INGREDIENTS: DONUT BATTER: donut mix [wheat flour, oils-vegetable, dextrose, sugar, raising agents (E450, 5500), anti oxidant (E341), salt, emulsifiers (E471, E472e), wheat gluten, stabilizers (E412, E415, E461), flavour, flour improvers, enzymes (E300), colouring (E101)], water, yeast [emulsifier (E491)]. SHORTENING OIL: partially hydrogenated soybean oil with anti oxidant (E320, E321) & anti oxidant (E330), anti foaming agent (E900). WHITE SUGAR.  Gluten, Soya, 624