Cancelleation Date | Charges payable |
Over 2 months prior to Event | Zero |
Between 1 month and 2 months prior to Event | 25% |
Between 15 days and 1 month prior to Event | 50% |
Between 7 days and 15 days prior to Event | 75% |
Within 7 days prior to Event | 100% |
We reserve the right to cancel your booking if you do not return a signed copy of the order form within 48 hours or do not make payments in accordance with clause 6 below. Where the Services are to be provided at our Venue we may also may vary or cancel the booking without liability if we do not deem the relevant Event to be morally or culturally appropriate or for any other reason outside our control, such as a compulsory Kuwaiti government booking. You shall agree with Us the guaranteed number of guests and shall notify Us as soon as possible, but in any event no later than 72 hours prior to the Event of any decrease or increase to the number of guests at the Event which exceeds a variance of 10%, Any additional guests attending the Event above the guaranteed number shall result in pro rata charges for Products and Services which shall be invoiced and payable before the end of the Event and any reduction in the number of guests below the guaranteed number shall not result in a discount or rebate being payable.