Social Impact

Creating Meaningful Opportunities and Strengthening Communities

How we impact the world around us really matters to us at Starbucks. Our goals have always gone beyond profit; we’re focused on empowering people, promoting sustainability and being a different, better kind of business. We’re committed to the belief that companies can, and should, do good whenever and wherever they can.

The Starbucks 19th annual Global Social Impact Report highlights our social and environmental projects in the region and the profound impact they’ve had on communities. Whether it’s sourcing ethically grown and sustainably harvested coffee, creating job opportunities for disenfranchised and vulnerable groups, or introducing environmentally friendly practices in our stores, the report is an acknowledgement of our vision of a fair and green future for all. 

Nowadays, making that vision a reality is more important than ever. We may be in the midst of a global pandemic, but Starbucks can be relied on to provide much-needed normalcy, comfort and reassurance. Our stores are a welcome ‘Third Place’ for people across the region; a place where you feel safe, happy and relaxed, to interact and enjoy human connections. 

Our core beliefs haven’t changed – we want to be a company that not only gives more, but also gives back. And that’ll never change.


Taking Less and Giving Back More

From the outset, Starbucks has respected the natural resources, environments, people and practices that make our business possible. We’re about more than just selling coffee, we’re fundamentally involved in the entire process of planting, growing, harvesting and transporting coffee around the world and to your local stores. 

We know the importance of working with nature, not against it, how respecting, maintaining and supporting the natural world produces great coffee in a way that also protects the environment, benefits communities and delights consumers. Our environmental principals are a core element of our Social Impact Strategy; they shape the way we interact with the world and have helped to inspire our pledge to be resource positive by 2030 as part of the Starbucks Sustainability Commitment.

Sustainability isn’t just about protecting the eco-systems and habitats where coffee grows. It’s about giving meaningful and positive support to the farmers who work the fields, paying a fair price for their labour and helping them to be self-sufficient by safeguarding their future. Environmental leadership can’t be taught, it’s developed through a commitment, dedication and willingness to remain true to your principals, ideals, ethics and standards. 

At Starbucks we know that by taking less, we can achieve much more.

New Strawless Lid in MENA

Reducing Waste and Enabling Innovation

The small things we do can have a big impact on our world.

Taking the decision to start removing plastic straws from our Starbucks stores is a small but important step on our journey to be more environmentally conscious, to lessen our impact on the world around us, reduce the amount of waste we produce and reach our goal of being resource positive here in the MENA region. 

This journey began in July 2018 when globally Starbucks announced that plastic straws would be phased out and a transition towards using only paper straws would get underway. Now, we’ve gone one step further and started to remove the need for straws altogether through the introduction of our new strawless lids for our cold beverages range.

Through a combination of great design, innovative thinking and a focus on finding a better, greener solution, the fully recyclable strawless lid was born.  The arrival of the strawless lid in the MENA region represents a leap forward in eco-friendly thinking and problem solving. Proof that small changes really can have a big impact.