Alshaya Group carries out beach cleanup drive to mark World Cleanup Day

21 Sep 2021

US Ambassador to Kuwait Alina L Romanowski joined the volunteers to clean up a bit of Kuwait's coastline

Alshaya Group carries out beach cleanup drive to mark World Cleanup Day

As part of the World Cleanup Day, Alshaya offices across the region teamed up for a beach clean-up to improve marine habitats and keep the coastlines free of rubbish. In Kuwait, US Ambassador to Kuwait Alina L Romanowski joined Saleh Alshaya and the team from Alshaya stores to clean up Dasman Beach.

Alshaya Group carries out beach cleanup drive to mark World Cleanup Day

As an ambitious global environmental initiative, Alshaya Group participated in the World Cleanup Day by organizing campaigns and activities to clean seacoasts and beaches across the region. These campaigns aim to raise environmental awareness and the need to preserve seacoasts and beaches, and to shed light on the problems and threats to the environment, thus contributing to maintaining its ecological balance and ensuring its biodiversity.

Alshaya Group carries out beach cleanup drive to mark World Cleanup Day